Chapter 28: Sad Case

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"Where you goin?" Love asked me as i grabbed my keys and purse.

"To my pop house. He wanna see me today" i told him and he nodded

"Well come kiss me nigga" he told me and i laughed and struted over to kiss him. "Mm be home soon"

"Alright" with that i walked out the door.

Lovee and I still live in the Bronx on Courtland. But we also have a house in The Hamptons. He bought it like a year after him and Kay and Doug went on their brotherly love tour.

He and I decided a while back not to have kids. We were too focused on work and making money. Plus dougie and kay have given us all the children we need.

I drove through the city and finally made it past time square to my dads loft.

"Hello Myresha how are you" i fake smiled at my step mother. I dont like her.

"Hi where my dad?" I asked walking in. She cleared her throat to speak.

"He is on his way back from the precinct. Hes got some business to discuss with you?" She asked and i shrugged.

"Nope just daddy daughter day" i told her as i sat at the island.

She came into the kitchen and began preparing some lemonade. This bitch married my dad a YEAR after my motha died. She took advantage of him, he was hurt and vulnerable and she wiggled her way into the family money. So nah i dont fuck w shorty.

"Myresha welcome home" my dad walked through the door and came to give me a big hug. Of course i hugged him back.

"Hi daddy! You said it was urgent" he nodded and looked back at his wife Chrissy.

"Chrissy a moment" she nodded and went upstairs, "okay" he opened his briefcase and started placing documents in front of me.

Im not talking one or two. Im talking case files, evidence bags, pictures. The hell is all this?

"What is this stuff dad?" I asked him

"The largest murder indictment of the bronx." I looked up at him, "its my first huge case as an agent and i want your help"

"Okay... who are we indicting?" I asked

If he says the bronx he could be trying to indict my man. Or my bestfriends man. Or shit our friends.

I kno what the boys do and ive never snitched on them in my life. Even when Kay was cheating on Lana, i never told her. I know yall think im a snitch cos my daddy the police. But i was raised in the bronx, you learn to keep ya fucking mouth closed ya heard?

"More than 20 men" he cleared his throat, "unfortunately you may know a few of them"

I started going through the pictures and saw a photo from Kay's murder trial years ago. I saw Dougie's hospital records after he was shot and then I saw Lovee, dealing on the diddy courts.

"Dad i cant help you with this" i told him

He sighed, "i know you love that Blivrr guy but you were born into the Law and i expect you to do what best for your career. This case could shoot you up the food chains"

"First of all its Blovee." I corrected him, "second daddy i cant believe you asked me to help you send my closest friends to jail. You know they'll kill me right?"

He shook his head, "they wont touch a hair on your head." He slid another paper in front of me. "How about this."

I picked it up and skimmed through, "what is it?"

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