Everyone stood up and left the camp in a hurry. Rainpaw pushed her way through the bustling cats and exited camp. She was about to head towards the hot spring cave when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Amberpaw was standing behind her looking rather uncomfortable, which was strange for him. "What's up?" she asked, tilting her head. Her brother shuffled his paws. "I have a gift idea, but I want to see what you think before I give it away." Rainpaw purred in amusement and brushed her flank against his. "Of course I'll help. Lead the way!"

The russet tom led her to a holly bush that was almost perfectly preserved in frost. Rainpaw smirked at him. "Hollypaw will love it." Her brother looked like he wanted to bury his head in a pile of snow and melt away. "Er...thanks. I hope so." The tortoiseshell flicked his ear with her tail. "Hey, it's just me. Nothing to be embarrassed about!" Amberpaw shrugged. "Can you help me get a branch off? The whole bush would be impossible to carry!" Rainpaw purred and helped him break off a section, careful not to disturb the layer of frost. "Thanks," he mewed, picking up the branch. She nodded and gestured towards the camp. "You should take that back. I still have to find my gift." Amberpaw nodded gingerly, trying not to shake the holly branch. "Good luck."

Rainpaw headed in the opposite direction. She eventually made it to the cave with the hot spring and looked around for something to give as a gift. A sparkling object in the water caught her eye. She waded in and dove under the surface to grab it in her jaws. When the tortoiseshell resurfaced, she swam back to shore and dropped the object on the cave floor. It was a rock of some sort. All sorts of colors sparkled when the light hit it the right way. It was perfect.

She carried her gift back to camp, growing more and more excited. When she arrived, she immediately saw that Amberpaw had fallen asleep next to his holly branch. He'd been one of the first back at camp with a gift. Apparently waiting meant a good chance for a nap. Rainpaw chuckled and settled down next to him. He stirred as her fur brushed his, but he didn't wake up.

Rainpaw saw that many other cats had gotten back already, Skypaw being one of them. She met his eye, and he flashed her a grin. Eventually every cat returned with a gift. Creekpaw was the last one back. Snowstar jumped onto the SnowRock again. "Welcome back everyone! I trust you're all satisfied with the gift you've chosen?" Every cat nodded eagerly. Rainpaw couldn't wait. Snowstar purred. "Wonderful. Let the gift giving begin!"

Rainpaw looked back over at Skypaw. He was still watching her curiously. She blushed and began to pad towards him but a light touch on her shoulder made her pause. She turned and came face-to-face with Creekpaw. He was holding a feather in his mouth. He set it down in front of her and licked his chest fur self-consciously. "Um, this is for you. I hope you like it."

Rainpaw hadn't expected to get a gift from anyone, so she stared at it in surprise. The feather was beautiful. It was a rich golden-brown color with black and brown stripes at the tip. The underside was white, and it was very soft. She touched it gently with a paw. "Wow, I don't even know what to say. Thank you, Creekpaw. I love it." The light brown tabby tom gave her a small smile. "You're welcome. I'm glad we're friends," he mewed, "I want you to be happy, always." Rainpaw saw his hazel eyes land on the rock she was carrying and then flick over towards Skypaw. He dipped his head in understanding. "I hope he likes it," he mewed. Was there a strain in his voice? Rainpaw just smiled at him. "Me too."

Creekpaw dipped away and Rainpaw paused, going over his words for a few moments, before resuming her path towards Skypaw. The gray tom was watching her carefully. She dropped the rock at his paws. "I found this at the hot spring. I thought it would remind you of your first time swimming," she teased. Skypaw grinned. "Thanks. It's really pretty." Rainpaw nodded, ears burning. Skypaw leaned in towards her. "I have something for you too," he mewed, his breath tickling her ear. She looked at him in surprise. "You do?" The gray tom nodded, "Yeah, but it's a surprise." His amber eyes sparkled mischievously. "I'll meet you outside camp in a few minutes, okay?" Rainpaw nodded and watched his gray pelt disappear through the camp entrance. Her belly was fizzing with excitement. I wonder what he got for me! 

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