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I walk away when I see Chris and Dylan holding hands, hopefully he is just helping her down the steps. I walk into the nearest coffee shop and order a dirty chai latte, I see a girl with green hair, wearing a black skirt with fishnet tights and a white crop top with a leather jacket. I see her looking over at me and I smile she's pretty, I have never been in a serious relationship before, I've had flings with girls at parties and kissed a boy once when I was figuring out my sexuality. But never been in anything serious.

I find a table and take a seat, she approaches the table and I clear my throat, "hi, I'm Ivy." She says and sits in the chair opposite me. 

"Ant nice to meet," I look her up and down, my eyes stay stuck in her pink lips. I wonder what her lips taste like. I too busy thinking about her lips and she pokes me in the arm.

"You okay Ant? I was just asking you if you want to come to my friend's party it starts in a bit?" She is saying , I nod my head. "Cool, give me your number I will text you the address." 

I watch her leave and finish drinking my dirty chai latte, I walk to my car and drive home.

I don't see Chris'car back yet, so he's most probably still at the beach with Dylan. I take a shower and try to pick something to wear for this party, in the end I choose some blue denim jeans and a plain black top. 

Ivy eventually texts me the address to the party, and I drive there. It's cramped there are people smoking outside, people walking around already drunk, I walk inside and there are even more people here, there is DJ in the living room and someone trying to hand off the chandiler. I go and search for Ivy, I can't find her anywhere so I ask around. Someone said she's upstairs in one of the spare rooms.

I start to search all the rooms and I find her, she is still wearing the exact same outfit as she did when I last saw her, "hey" say quietly.

"You made it," she turns around and looks at me.

I sit next to her on the bed "what are you doing up here?" I ask her.

"I just need some peace and quiet away from everything, it's starting to get packed and it feels very stuffy." she explains.

We sit in silence for a few minutes until my phone goes off, it's a text off Chris telling me not to come home yet.

5 minutes after Chris is calling me, I excuse myself from Ivy. Chris is talking loud about some guy coming to the house and telling me to stay away from his family. I tell Chris I will be home in 10 minutes.

I go back in the room to tell Ivy I better get back home, "okay I will see you around Ant." She falls backwards onto the bed and I watch her for a second and think about kissing her, but reality brings me and back and I remember I have to get home.

I arrive home and and go into Chris room and he is fast asleep, I get ready for bed as it's 2 in the morning and pitch black.

I wake up and decide to go for a run, I run along the beach and I see someone lying there I think they are dead for a minute until I approach them and realise it's Dylan. She opens one eye "I thought you were dead" I tell her.

I put my hand out and she takes it, I pull her up and I take her back to my house to clean up. We walk past Kaceys car who was knocking on the door an hour before I left for my run. 

"Who's here?" Dylan asks me and I tell her Kacey's Chris Friend, Dyl walks into the house first and I tell her she can use the bathroom but I don't think she's listening. I watch her as she mumbles something I don't quite catch and she heads upstairs.

I get a message from Ivy, 'come over later, I want to show you something'. 

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