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I watch from the window as my brother drives Dylan home, after the divorce they've become a lot closer than they were before. I noticed her perfume smell on his clothes sometimes when I'm doing the washing. but never mentioned it to either of them. I glance at my Iphone, a message from mum 'will be home in a few days, please keep the house clean.'

The party last night, had to have been our biggest one so far. I gather up cups and plates off the floor and start to clean the mess. Uni starts in a few more months, so I wanna make the most of summer while I can. I grab the hoover and start to hoover up the mess on the lament floor in the living room. Chris always leaves it to me to clean up the mess every time we have a party.

I hear the door bell ring, and make my way over to answer it. My best mate Liam is standing there, "bro, what's up?" he grabs me and pulls me into a hug. "Sorry I couldn't come to the party, I just got back from holiday." 

"Don't worry about it mate, let's head up to my room." I shut the door behind us and walk up the marble staircase and into my room.

My bed is still unmade, and last night's clothes are scattered on the floor. "Ignore the mess, I haven't been able to clean my room yet." He makes his way to the Xbox and turns it on.

"Let's play, I didn't take my gaming equipment so I've missed some gaming competitions." Growing up me and Liam were into gaming and would compete in gaming competitions, as we got older I wanted to focus on school more and get a job to do with enigering and didn't do much gaming after that. Liam carried on with the gaming he would upload them on Youtube, arguing with his parents when he wouldn't apply for uni.

"Man, I need a drink and something to eat." He gets up and looks in my mini fridge and pulls out a can of coke.

"Let's order food, I could eat. I hadn't even had breakfast."  We ordered our food and carry on playing games. Thoughts of Dylan and Chris in my mind, me and Dylan were literally best friends. It's not unusual for Dylan and Chris to hang out, but it was either me and Dylan or all three of us, never Dylan and Chris.

"Ant the door bell is ringing mate," I put the joypad down and head to grab the food, I brought it up to Liam and we devoured the food while playing the games. This is what I'm going to miss when adulthood arrives, hanging in my room with the my bestfriend.

I check the time on my phone and realise it's 8pm, Liam left a couple of hours ago. I must have fallen asleep. I change into shorts and a t-shirt, I head into Chris room to see if he's back yet. Nope, his room is still the same as he left it when he took Dyl home this afternoon. I grab my trainers and head for a run on the beach. 

I watch two people walking down the stairs heading to the beach and notice it's Chris and Dylan, holding hands. 

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