Chapter 139

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Translator: thornling | Editor: thornling

After getting the prescription drawn up by Lin Dan, the eldest princess acted like she had gotten a treasure. She drank one dose at noon and one dose in the afternoon. When she went to bed at night, the yin fire in the soles of her feet actually weakened by a lot and she even felt slightly cold sticking them out of the quilt. The effect could be said to be immediate. Since giving birth to her son, she had never slept peacefully, even once, but tonight she slept extraordinarily sweetly. When she woke up in the morning, the flush on her cheeks had faded, but her whole body had loosened up, as if a burden of several hundred cattys* had been lifted overnight.

*Unit of weight.

"Your Royal Highness, how do you feel?" The two senior palace maids hurried over to inquire.

"Bengong feels the best I've ever felt!" The eldest princess said, full of vitality: "Go take a look at Min'er. Physician Lin's medicine has a miraculous effect. After taking only two doses, Bengong has already greatly recovered. Min'er should also have had some changes."

The group hurried to the little prince's courtyard. They dragged him, still asleep, out of bed and opened his clothing to check. Before he went to sleep last night, Lin Dan had prepared Returning Spring powder, then told the servants to mix it with water and apply it on him, leaving it on without wiping it off all night. By this morning, the paste had dried up, leaving only a strong medicinal smell. The abnormal bulging in his chest had reduced by a lot, leaving only a slight swell.

The eldest princess was overjoyed. Zhu Yimin woke up slowly. When he saw that his clothes had been stripped off by the two aunts, he shrieked shrilly before noticing the changes in his chest. He looked at it in disbelief, squeezed it a few times, and then threw himself into the arms of the eldest princess, crying with joy: "Mom, it's gotten so much better! Mom, I don't feel pain down there anymore either! Mom, I'm finally not going to be a woman! I'm so happy, wu wu wu*..."

*Chinese onomatopoeia for crying, similar to "boo hoo."

The eldest princess rubbed his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Who told you that you were going to be a woman? You were born a boy, could Mom have gotten it wrong? This time it's all thanks to Physician Lin. If it weren't for her, your chest would only swell more and more. Later on, you have to apologize to her and make amends, understand? Without her, who knows what would've happened to you in the future!"

"I know, I know! As long as my chest can shrink back down, I would even kowtow to her." Zhu Yimin covered his chest, shedding tears of gratitude. Lin Dan's grace to him was like giving him a new lease of life. He would definitely repay her in the future!

After being emotional for a long time, Zhu Yimin grabbed the eldest princess' sleeve again and asked anxiously, "Mom, did you get any better? Did you sleep well last night?"

"I've also gotten much better. Physician Lin really prescribes medicine like a god. After only two doses, my yin fire is already under control. She said that our symptoms would be completely gone within a week. It seems like those weren't empty words." The eldest princess was full of admiration.

A senior palace maid gasped with admiration and said: "This Physician Lin is truly incredible. She's so young, but her medical skills are so brilliant. There are so many diseases that imperial physicians cannot cure, but in her hands, the disease is cured the moment the medicine is taken. Yesterday, when she revealed her treatment plan to neither replenish yin fire, nor replenish yang fire, but directly replenish true fire, we were all extremely shocked. Her methods are indeed, truly..." She thought for a while, but couldn't find any words to describe it.

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