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"You little shit!" Megatron screamed at the seeker's face, tossing him into another metalic grey wall in the Nemisis. "You try that again and ill rip out your spark with my own clawed servos!" He growled out to his Second-In-Command, pushing him against the wall with the grip on his neck. "I-I apologize my liege, i-ill make sure it n-never happens again" Starscream called out quickly, afraid for his life. "Good. I hope that this little " punishment" will make you see the error of your pathetic ways." Starscream dared not to look at Megatron's face, to see that sadistic smirk of his, begging him to make the same damn mistake over again, just so he could turn him into scrap once more. He practically dashed out of the command center and limped to his private quarters, and once he got in, and landed back-first into his berth, he examined the damage on his body. It was mildly concering, only little dents and scratches. However, there was one dent on his left wing, that was particulary bad. It was leaking some energon, and hurting a bit. He decided that should, probably, go to the med-bay for it, at least he would get to see the only two mechs he actually tolerated on this ship. Knockout, Breakdown and Starscream had been a thing for awhile. While only the two medics were actually bonded, they had brought Starscream into their little relationship also. Star had planed to be bonded and conjunxed to the other two mechs, but they all decided to wait, as Megatron's abusive tendencies growing in both size and amount. He walked the hallways of the ship, looking for the med-bay door. He punched in the code, and went into the room. Suprisingly, the day had been pretty slow, and both Knockout nor Breakdown had no patients to attend to at the moment. Due to that fact, as soon as Knockout spotted the seeker, he leaped from the datapad he was watching intently to, and headed for the silver mech for a hug. Starscream put his sleek arms around the cherry-colored mech in reciprocation. They stayed like that for a klik longer before knockout percived the wing injury. Knockout was used to seeing his silver seeker like this, so instead of freaking out, he just sighed and asked "Was it another one of those days again?" With a solem face. Starscream only nodded and looked away from his partner. Knockout understood, and the three walked to the nearest medical berth.

In the next couple of days, Starscream had to stay in the medbay. Not because of some deadly illness or injury, but because of both of Knockout and Breakdown's strategic words and promises toward their leader, to convince him of Starscream being infected by a very chronic, internal infection. He rarely stayed in a medical berth, (unless apperances had to be made) but in the medic's private quarters. It was smaller than the quarters of, say, someone like himself or Megatron's, but bigger than Soundwave's was. (He didn't need much space.) Starscream thought the space was cozy, he even slept with the two in the lunar cycles. Most times it was peaceful, but this cycle is a different story...

"Knockouuuut! Baby pleaasee!" Starscream keened to his lover. He had a magnificant frag flux the night before, and he was desperate for either of his partners. Breakdown retired early, so Knockout was the only option availible. However, Knockout was too busy with paperwork, of all things, to think of fragging the seeker. "No. Wait." Knockout growled out. It was unlikely of him to put off a good frag session, but he was late on his reports to Soundwave, and he knew the dark lilac mech would have his aft if he turned them in even later. Starscream went behind the racers back, and started to massage. His long spindely servos rubbing aganst Knockout's back, slipping under transformation seams and tense cables, to get the red mech "in the mood" and to stop thinking about fragging paperwork! "I thank you, Starscream, but i know what your doing, and its not going to work." He had said, even though Knockout was lying to both Starscream, and himself. As in it was totally working. Knockout could feel his spike pressurize aganst his modesty panel, desperatly waiting to be freed. A rush of energon flew to the racer's faceplates, as he heard the thunk from his panel. It seemed as Starscream heard it too, as he had a sly smirk on, as he leaned over the doctor's shoulder. "mm, seems like someone's excited." the seeker purred out. He slipped his hand to Knockout's spike panel, circling a couple of servos on it. The mech looked suprised at Starscream's sudden proactiveness. Knockout let out a soft moan and let his panel retract. Starscream stroked the spike a few times, and then abandoned the length. The cherry red mech wined and slurred out "why'd you stop?", clearly already delirious from the seekers little touches. "Oh, don't worry love, " Starcream began to say, while making his way to the front of his partner, and kneeled down. "We're just getting started." The flight-frame's intake instantly wraped around Knockout's spike. He moaned loudly as he craned his head back, onto the backrest of the office chair. He put his hand on Starscream's helm, and moved him up and down the red spike. Knockout then remembered that Breakdown was recharging in the other room, and slapped his other hand on his mouth, to quiet the flow of moans from his intake. Starscream would have done somthing about that himself, but he was too busy devouring the mech's shaft. They continued this routine for a couple kliks before Starscream felt the cherry red mech's transfluid flow into his intake. He let off his spike with a loud /pop/ to make sure knockout was paying attention to the scene, and swallowed the transfluid in his intake, and licked his lips for an extra act. Energon rushed to Knockout's faceplates again, but before he could say anything, Starscream went up to kiss him. Knockout could taste the faint trace of his transfluid in the lithe mech's mouth as they kissed. Starscream pressed harder into the racer's intake, sucking his glossa for a bit, before returning to circling his intake, as before. They both let go with a thick string of oral fluid in between them. Starscream's hands were on Knockout's chestplates, Knockout's arms around the thin waist of his seeker, right below his angelic wings. Starscream took a couple minutes to brace himself, and then retracted his valve panel. His valve was already puffy and dripping with bright blue lubricant, and Knockout couldent wait to plunge his spike into it. Though as soon as they were about to actually fuck, Breakdown came out of the berthroom, with a yawn. The three stared at each other for a bit, 'till Breakdown finally registered what was going on. "WHAT THE- It's fraging late! Why arent you two in recharge?!" He says, trying not to yell (more than he already did). "I- uh-" Starscream stuttered, trying to find an answer in that shock-stunned processor of his. However, Knockout planted a quick peck on his mouth, and explained to the blue mech; "I was up doing late paperwork and 'screamer here...got frisky" Knockout gestured with his hands at the last part. He looked at Breakdown, then Starscream, who was still sitting on his lap. Knockout then gave the latter mech an 'are you thinking what im thinking' look, while alternating his optics between his two partners. Starscream was, still, very confused, but got his answer when the cherry red racer looked at their other partner and said "Breakdown, would you like to join us in this little "endevor"?" As soon as that sentence was finished, a stream of lubricant gushed out of Starscream's valve from his excitement. Breakdown stared at the two again, before coming over to them to pluck the silver seeker from Knockout's lap, and carrying him while dashing into the berthroom. Knockout had rarely ever seen his large partner run so fast. As soon as Knockout had followed them to the room, he heard the shrill, breathy moans of the lithe mech. The large, blue mech had two of his servos inside Starscream's wet valve. The flyer had his frame in an arch, optics leaking small amounts of coolant. Knockout smirked and hopped on the berth, staring at his two partners. He thought Starscream looked beautiful liked that, in a perfect arch, with two servos, pulsing in and out of his puffy little valve. Though at that moment, Breakdown quickly pulled them out of the squirming seeker, turned to his glossy, maroon-colored partner, and said; "I think he's ready, don't cha' Knocky?" The only answer the blue mech got from Knockout was him licking his lips and glancing at the gray mech on the birth. When Starscream had heard them talking about him, he scoffed and said in desperate anger; "Is at least ONE of you going to frag me?!" while kicking his legs up a couple times. "Well, I guess our little bird is getting impatient, Hmm?" Knockout hummed out, imitatively questioning. Then; "Starscream, could you be a dear and sit up, please?" Knockout seductivly said to the mech lying on the berth. Starscream did as he was told, and Knockout immeidiantly got into position at the front of the metallic bird, while he motioned Breakdown towards the back of him. Once the navy-colored mech had settled, he retracted his modesty panels, spike already stiff and dripping with its own blue lubricant. Knockout spead Starscream's legs as wide as they could go, though not without a little 'squeak!' from the grey mech, his valve now regularly oozing its own lubricant. They all settled into their places, and Breakdown took the lead, pushing into the lithe mech's valve, while the cherry-red racer held Starscreams slim legs up for stablization. He let out a deafening moan, tilting his helm back, where he could see the orange faceplates of his birthmate. Knockout then pushed into the tight valve, letting out a flood of even more lubricant onto the berth. Both cons pushed once more, letting Starscream take them to the hilt. He let out another whine, shoving two of his own sharp servos into his intake, to muffle the many noises he was making. They started a steady rhythem, holding the flight frame by his axillia. Ocassional moans, whimpers and murmurs of "oh frag", " please", and other dirty phrases came out of the svelte mech's intake. Both Knockout and Breakdown let out moans of their own, fragging Starscream with a streamlined pace, checking every so often to make sure their spiked partner wasn't hurt or feeling discomfort at the double penetraition. They started speeding up when all three mechs got close to their overload, becoming sloppier and more sporatic with their movements. They changed positions somewhere in their ferverent fragging, Breakdown shoving Starscream's back with his body weight, so that he fell into Knockout, his little legs falling apart perfectly separated. He braced his arms on both sides of Knockout's helm, glossa lolling out of his intake, while both mech's pounded into his plump valve with vigorous force. Knockout looked up at the lustrous seeker, the metal bird's eyes rolling to the back of his helm, strings of oral fluid hanging from his intake. The carmine-colored bot took his hand and put it on the back of Starscream's helm, and pushed him into a wet, sloppy kiss. Breakdown pulled his hips towards his spike, breaking the two's kiss and slamining Starscream's helm into the racer's chasis. Breakdown's transfluid filled the metallic mech's insides, making him let out a low, lengthy whine. Knockout firmly pushed his spike in one last time, and released his transfluid into Star's sticky valve, the bright pink fluid leaked out around the two spikes still burried in the perky valve. Starscream lost the focus in his optics, looking to the side and letting out another pitiful whine. His optics looked as clouded over as the earthen sky. The two leading mechs pulled out of his valve, the rest of the transfluid in it spilling out in globs. Breakdown took a hold of the grey mech's waist, while Knockout grasped his chasis, and slowly propped up the sleepy seeker, till his lower back reached the small headrest of the berth. His optics still cloudy and unfocused, his body limp. "Starscream?" Knockout faintly called to him. The mech in question opened his intake, as to say somthing, but all that came out was a barely audiable whine. "Is he alright?" Breakdown asked, slight worry on his face. The racer felt around his spark, worried for his berthpartner. Starscream barely reacted to the touch, and just kept staring at nothing with his clouded-over optics. "Everything's normal with his sparkpulse." Knockout concluded. The gray flyer's head tilted to the side. "Stars?" Breakdown cooed to the seeker, grabing his hand to see if he would react. "Are you alright, Screamer?" Knockout said in a serious, yet comforting tone. "I..." He mumbled, but trailed off. He barely moved, except the occasional blink or flex of a servo. "Mm, Breakdown, could you grab me a datapad please?" Knockout said, varying thoughts occupying his processer, going through an index of what could be wrong with the grey mech. "Uh, yeah sure, Knocks" Breakdown then let go of the dark grey hand and slid off the berth, going into the med-bay for one. When he exited the room, Knockout leaned towards the seemingly brain-dead seeker, and rubbed his hand against the blue-grey shoulder pad. "Its okay, screamer, i think i know whats going on" He whispered, and gave him an affectionate smile, even though he couldent see it. He didn't reply, though the maroon-colored mech kind of expected that. "Ive got it now, here Knocks!" Breakdown came back in the door, and tossed his conjunx the rouge datapad, and then landing his aft right back on the berth. Starscream tilted his head to "look" at his other lover, and Breakdown grinned at the seeker, in both reassurement and self-confusion. "Aha, i knew it!" Knockout said excitedly, in a 'eureaka!' moment. Breakdown was still super fucking confused about everything, and that defenatly showed on his faceplates. Knockout could sense the confusion his partner was in, and started explaining. "Screamer here went into some sort of a soft reboot. Or as the organics call it, subspace. It's a state-of-processor after interface that bots sometimes go through." Breakdown was still confused, crinkling his faceplates a little, to show it. "There are many forms a mech can take," Knockout then gestures to the motionless flight-frame on the berth. "...but thankfully, out of all the types, we have one thats exhausted." The racer finished. Breakdown looked over to his third partner, face still as static as it was before he left. He then turned his head back to his cherry colored conjunx and questioned him. "Sooo...do we have to do anything different then?" "Eh, not really, 'just need to take extra care of em'" Knockout replyed reassuringly, hopping off the berth to their small, private washracks. As he left, Breakdown scooted towards the dazed frame, and took both of Starscream's upper arms into his hands, being wary of the arm missiles, and maneuvered both cons, until the limp seeker was situated in the blue mech's lap, legs still spread, showing off his messy valve. He heard Starscream let out a low whine, so Breakdown lifted his hand and started to stroke the side of his face. The seeker slowly reacted to the warmth, leaning into the touch of the servos, and Breakdown smiled affectionatly at the little bird. Knockout then came out of the washracks with serveral mesh towels, both damp and dry, and a few blankets for them all to share. He sat on the berth again, reached for one of the damp towels, abd started wiping up the jumble of fluids from the flyer's pretty valve. Once the mess, on both the bed and the valve, the two set Starscream in between them both. He adored the warmth from his lovers, and steadly put his arms around the blue con in front of him. Both mech's praised the metallic seeker for the resurgence of movement in his arms, verbal praises and strokes and pats to the head. All three of them cherised the affection shared between them. Feeling safe, relaxed and exhausted, they all soon fell into recharge, the noise melting into quiet snores and chirps.

The end.


Neat, my longest writing yet belongs to this ship, love it!

Sorry if my writing sounds really stiff, im new to this and i rlly hate my writing style because of it sounding stiff-

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

WC: 2839

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