7. Fab5 apologize to nandini

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I am really glad by seeing the response of my story and as I said If response is good I will update 2nd chapter, so here it is. I hope you will shower this chapter also with your votes and comments.

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Here when Fab4 moving inside they heard some whispering which made their heart beat fast. Those are

Emp 1 : You know today some band people talked rudely with nandini mam.

Emp 2 : Yeah I also heard, but I am thinking what will happen now, as we know by till now Mr.M might have known about this, and definitely he will spoil them beyond repair.

Emp 1 : Haan yaar, I am also thinking same, but we know right if they do whatever he ask them to do exactly, they won't get any problem, or else God also can't show mercy on them because Mr.M wont allow him too.

Listening all this, they literally started to shiver, they were thinking who might this Mr.M who was more dangerous than their manik. Because till now they knew like this arrogant and dangerous as manik only, but Mr.M description made them believe they are wrong.

Like this they moved to meeting hall where they have meeting, reaching there, they saw nandini sitting in her office in her boss attitude.

Aliya : Mukti how can she be soo cool?

Mukti : How do I know Aliya ? But the main thing we need to notice is, she was being protected by Mr.M. So none can even touch her and I am thinking why this Mr.M is behind this low class girl who don't have good dressing sense, he should have saw me, you know I may look like tomboy then also I am hot figure.

Aliya nodded her head in approval and said

Aliya : Why don't you try to know who is Mr.M?

Mukti : None knew about him

Their whispering is stopped by listening nandini voice.

Nandini(in her boss attitude) : If you guys have completed your whispering then shall we continue our meeting?

They nodded in yes and went to sit there, because they don't want to face the consequences for thier behaviour.

Manik entered the hall and look towards nandini and blinked his eyes as a signal to go with plan. And went and sat beside his friends.

Suddenly Reema(Manager) come to meeting room and said

Reema : Mam Mr.M.said to cancel the deal and he will make sure that Fab5 won't get deal from any music label. And they can get albums individually except aliya and mukti.

Nandini nodded at her head and looked at manik who don't even have any effect on him.

Mukti : But you can't do this to us.

Nandini : Well you people can't understand human language or what? Didn't you listen what Reema said, she clearly told Mr.M said this and you are saying to me that I can't do this? Seriously guys?

Cabir : We didn't mean those but don't you think it is much hard on us?

Reema : In that case sir proposed a deal, if you accept that you will still have a deal with our music label.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 hours ago ⏰

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