" Sorry, but why are you looking for her?" I curiously questioned him back acting like a complete dumb. Well, I think it's convincible thought hehe.

"Sorry, woman, but I don't have time to answer your fucking question!" He shouted angrily as he seemed so annoyed with my question, making his voice echo into the basement. I watched him amusedly seeing how pissed he is with my little question. Oh...oh...oh... someone looses his coolness.

I chuckled as put back down my paper bag as I walked to his direction.

" Is that how a professional officer should approach an ordinary citizen, sir?" I said while I chuckled slightly as I stop in front of him . "Appearing to be rightful man with an evil did? hmm... I wasn't really informed that this is how a cop should act like nowadays... officer" with all the remaining coolness, I stayed calm and civil towards this asshole. His getting into the spot where I like him to be exactly at. Patience, Amary.

His jaw tightened as a sign that he was really pissed at what I had stated. I take my time to scan my eyes over his whole uniform, and it landed where I wanted to be. I saw his police bandage on his left chest. I let out a soft laugh again tilting my head up and down as brough back my eyes down to his shining shoes. At least he gotta chance to wear those as he still got a chance. Fooling someone around, huh?

I smirked.

Sorry my brother, but I'm not an idiot as what your expecting me to be.

"I don't fucking care about what's your definition of what an officer should be, just open your goddamned trunk before I shut your mouth up with bullets!" He yelled at me. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Oppss.. he got a sharp brain, though. Good for you.

"Woah, woah, woah easy sir, don't rush things, we're not rushing things here, do we?" I said while laughing evilly, raising both my hands up. I felt like I was in my first mission on this one. It's kindda lame but fun at the same time.

"Just gave me a second and I'll look for my keys, sir," I added, while still raising my hands in the air.

I put down my hands and I slowly scanned my small bag and looked for my keys. I purposely slowed down my movement, giving enough time for the girl to transfer in front of my car. Which I mentally hope she did if she's smart enough. I really hope she did it.

"Gotcha!" I jiggled the keys as I found it putting back my hands up. I gave him the sign that I'll open my trunk which he gave me a permission to do it. I mentally prayed that the time I was wasting was enough time to that girl figure out what I wanted her to do. I slowly opened it, holding my breath as it slowly reveled all my personal items inside it. I let out my breath slowly, at least she's smart enough, though.

The man scanned it frustratedly, hoping that he could find the girl in it, but there was nothing aside from my own staff. I think the girl really takes the time I give her to transfer in front.

"See, I didn't hide anything," I said as I got back my keys.

He man stopped scanning my trunk as he turned towards me.

" If you can encounter a girl any minute from now like this," He showed me a picture of exactly what the girl looked like. "Call me immediately," he said as he pulled out a black calling card with a black diamond sign on it from his uniform.

Again, I burst into laughter.

I smirked, looking at his card before him. "Using a personal number, huh?" I smirked again.

"Just fuckin' call me or I'll let your skull explode right now!" He yelled again.

I raised both of my hands as a sign of surrendering holding back my laughter and thankfully, I did it. I didn't know that holding a burst of laughter was way more difficult than making someone's body explode, huh. He walked away, passing my car. I about to pick up back my paper bags but before I could actually do it, we heard a sob coming from my passenger seat, which caused him to immediately take his steps back.

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