"Pine Tree"

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image source: https://pin.it/275fkgo

this is inspired by real life story teehee. 

also i've sadly ran out of ideas please supply


Riley Anderson is the type of quiet 7th grader you'd find anywhere. He didn't have many friends, and the only two he had got sorted into another lunch period, so he usually sit alone at lunch.

Today's lunch was Caesar Salad, with a side of goldfish.

Riley poked the green leaves with a plastic fork. He was no big fan of raw lettuce, and the chicken strips in there were damp and disgusting.

He sighed and poked the fork deep into the ruined mess of vegetables and closed the lid. He swung one shoulder of his backpack on and got up. He took the salad box in one hand and picked up the small goldfish packet with the other.

Guess it's Goldfish for lunch today, He toss the box into the trash and made his way to the vending machine. He fished some coins out of his pocket.


He finished his lunch with a good 6 minutes left till the bell rings.

He reached towards his pocket instinctively before realization hit him, "Aw darn it!" He had left his phone at home. It's probably still peacefully charging on the counter. Hopefully, it doesn't explode.

He turned his attention to the nearby students. He noticed a particular sparkly brunette standing on the table and making wild gestures to her friends, who were giggling. The yard duty soon came and chased her off the table with a smile. They got ready to leave.

Riley watched as the sparkly brunette take a sheet of paper out of her backpack. She peeled something off (probably a sticker?) and patted it onto the yard duty's shirt. He couldn't see what it was, but the yard duty petted her head affectionately, so he assumed it was something nice.

The small group of teens fluttered away like butterflies, three girls running off in the front and two guys walking behind them. The shorter one of the guys wore a bomber hat and looked almost identical to the sparkly brunette.

They must be siblings. Maybe even twins! Riley observed, What's with that guy though? A bomber hat? In this heat? He reached a hand out of the shade he was sitting in to test if the sun was as scorching as he remembered. Some people are just built different I guess.

He drew his attention back to the table, and to his surprise, one of them had forgotten something. It was a blue water bottle, sitting on the bench of the table.

"Hey! Excuse me!" Riley stood up from his spot and called to the group. They didn't hear him.

"Uhh, dude!" He tried again, louder this time. They made no reaction to him at all. Riley's eyes darted around. People are staring at him. He could feel his face heating up.

ARRGHH! He screamed mentally. Why do I even care?! Whoever left it there could always just come back when they realize it's gone! Why do I bother... He sped walked, then broke into a jog and to the water bottle. He picked it up and ran after the group. Welp! I guess it's just called being kind.

He took a second to glance down at the bottle. It had no name on it, but a white sticker on the front. It didn't have any inspirational quotes on it. It's just a plain white sticker in the shape of a tree. A pine tree? He could hear the faint clinking sounds of the ice in the bottle.

(orphaned work) The Pine Twins Back At School in PiedmontWhere stories live. Discover now