Numb Little Bug

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TW: Depression

Adelina's POV

"How was school?" Carina asked cheerfully as I opened the car door.

She was first in the car line, so I knew she must have gotten there early. I could tell she was trying to be extra nice.

I shrugged as I climbed into the passenger seat and threw my bag on the floor at my feet.

"What, that's all I get?" Carina teased.

I knew she wanted me to tell her all about my day. If I was honest I would tell her that it sucked. That my teachers made me introduce myself in every class, but hardly anyone talked to me all day. That they put me in all low level classes, and I could already tell I'd be bored out of my mind. That I hated it and dreaded having to go back in the morning.

"It was fine," I said instead. "I'm just tired."

Carina let it go and we just listened to the radio as she drove us back to her apartment. When we got there, I dropped my bag by the door and headed to my room.

"Are you hungry?" Carina asked as I brushed past her. "Do you want a snack?"

I shook my head. "I'm gonna take a nap," I said, knowing that it would buy me some alone time.

"Okay bambina," Carina said softly. She sounded kinda sad but I didn't turn to look at her face. I just kept walking to my room.

Carina's POV

I settled into the couch and pulled out my phone.


You're right. She's not okay.


Did something happen?


No, but she's barely said 10 words to me since I picked her up. Now she's taking a nap... that's just not like her. I guess I should start looking for a therapist.


I think that's a good idea, but it doesn't have to happen right this second. I'll be home in a few hours and we can talk about it then if you want. Or we can talk to Addie together at dinner.


Thank you bambina. Ti amo tanto


I love you too

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts away before getting up and heading into the kitchen. I looked through the fridge and pulled out the things I'd need for dinner and my laptop so I could open the recipe. Instead of pulling up the recipe, however, I found myself googling "best therapists for teenagers Seattle."

20 minutes into my research, I heard footsteps behind me and quickly shut my computer.

"Caio, bella," I said, as Adelina walked into the kitchen. "Change your mind about that snack?"

She shook her head. "Just wanted water," she said flatly before refilling her bottle from the fridge. I noticed her eyes looked a little red, like she had been crying, but it was hard to get a good look. As she screwed the cap back on, she turned to leave, just as quietly as she had come.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She paused and turned to face me. "Yeah," she nodded. "Just tired."

I gently grabbed her arm, pulled her back toward me, and kissed her head.

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