Chapter seven - After math of the war and fighting Blackbeard.

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Amaya was cursing up a storm. No. Really. A storm was forming over head as she cussed. She was on her ship. The Black Twilight. Headed for Amazon Lily. Her crew was also on her ship. When the docked. Amaya all but sprinted over to her brothers. She grabbed both of them by the nape of there necks and crashed there heads together. Ignoring Hancock's distressed scream for Luffy. Choosing to yell at her later after she nicks some sense into her idiotic baby brothers. "YOU IDIOTS!" She looked at Ace first. Dropping a whining Luffy and ignoring the annoyed and scared Law. Amaya vision zeroed in on Ace. Who. Flinched. Bother hands grabbed him shoulders and she began to shack him back and forth. "I FUCKING WORNED YOU DIDN'T I! I CLEARLY REMEMBER TELLING YOU TO CALL ME IF YOU NEEDED ME! BUT DID YOU DO THAT!? NO! ACE IS A GRISN ASS ADULT WHO DOESN'T NEED THE HELP OF HIS OLDER SISTER WHO HAS BEEN SAILING THE SEAS WAY LONGER THEN HIM! YOU BLOODY IDIOT! I KNEW YOUR WERE FUCKING STUPID BUT I THOUGHT YOU AT LEAST HAD SOME SENSE OF SANITY! HOW WRONG I WAS!" After that she continued to scold him. After about an hour she dropped Ace and grabbed luff doing the exact same thing. "AND YOU! I KNEW YOU WERE CRAZY! BUT I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE FUCKING SUICIDAL! IM YOUR OLDER SISTER! ITS MY FUCKING JOB TO DO SHIT LIKE THAT! YOU ARE NOT STRONG ENOIGH FOR SHIT LIKE THAT! IF I HADN'T BEEN THERE YOU BOTH WOOD HAVE DIED! DOYPU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE IF EITHER IF YOU DIED!" She continued to scream bloody murder at him. Yeah. It lasted another hour.

Amaya and her crew sat at a fire. Law and his crew had left. Leaving a livid Amaya with her baby brothers. Who were both looking any were but at her. "Eat." Was all she said and they did just that. The next day Rayleigh showed up. Amaya left before he could say anything to her.

Amaya stood in front of Teach. Her crew by her side and behind them was what was left of Whitebeards crew. Who had began to follow Amaya. She and Teach were the only two candidates for the title of Yonko. So. They were going to fight for it. Her crew vs his crew. Water vs darkness and shacks. Angel vs devil. Female vs male. Captain vs captain. This will be the final fight to start the new era. The loser will be at the mercy of the winner.

Day one. Everyone was lunging at each other. But. Amaya and Blackbeard aka teach only used there eyes. Glaring. Well she glared he smiled. After a bit. Teach lunged at her. There fight broke out.

Day five. Half of Teaches men were whipped out. While hand full of Amaya were majorly injured. Non dead. That's thanks to Amaya using the water to heal her crew and drown Teaches.

Day ten. The only ones standing was Amaya crew the commanders on both sides and Teaches main crew. Both sides were covered in blood. Many dead from both sides. But. They continued to fight.

Day twenty. The last day. The only ones standing was Amaya and Teach. Amaya and Teach Lunged at each other. Amaya will not lose. She will win. She will kill Teach. She will show the world who she is. She surprised Teach. Instead of attacking him like he aspected. She pivoted to the left. Showing the wave that was coming straight for him. It did just that. And. Teach was engulfed in water. He was dragged deeper and deeper into the water. Effectively drowning him. Amaya won. She was know emperor of the sea.

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