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o p a l   t r e v o r - d i x o n |future|


"Allah, I know we haven't talked in a while but right now, two of the most important people in my life need you - Allah I need you. Things haven't been going so well and there isn't much I can do but I believe there isn't a thing you can't do.

Protect my babies and give us the strength to get through this.

And uh... bet'ami t'iru newi?... uh..."  (Amharic translation: God is great)

"Keep. Going." Ethel squeezes my hand and I quickly turn my head so she doesn't see me flinch.

"Um, and we ask for a smooth delivery-

"And that these fuck ass nurses give me more meds too - shit!"

"I don't think I'm supposed to say that lov-" Ethel yanks me closer to her by the thin layer of my blue medical coveralls the hospital provided. My eyes widen while she stares directly at me.

"I'm not fucking playing with you right now Opal. Say it. Say. It." She grits through clenched teeth. I don't take personal offense because I know from experience she's in some serious pain right now. Plus, when I was delivering Miah five years ago, I wasn't exactly so nice either.

"Okay, okay." Since I don't want to add on anymore stress, I do as my wife says.

"Just like I said it too."

"I - okay."

"I mean it! Continue please."

"We ask for a smooth delivery and that the nurses give - I mean, these 'fuck ass' nurses give Ethel more of the epidural to ease her pain... Take care of our baby please."

I whisper this last part. She starts to cry quietly again, all these complex emotions taking a toll on her right then. "He wasn't supposed to come yet O'. Our poor little guy had seven more weeks to go. Seven more weeks - nnghhh!" Ethel slowly shakes her head in agony, and my heart breaks seeing my baby in such distress.

"I know love," I dab at her sweaty forehead with the damp wash cloth I would soak in cold water from time to time. "I know." She sips on the fruit smoothie I hold out for her through the straw and for a brief second, I feel like I can breathe again. But she latches onto me not even a full second later, somehow tighter this time. I'm likely gonna need a cast by the end of today - sweet Jesus. A muffled groan accidentally erupts from my mouth. Ethel's glassy chocolate eyes snap up to mine, examining me with a weird look.

"You good?" I know better. I'm not stupid, I can read between the lines. Her eyes alone practically scream "I dare you to say some dumb shit like you're in pain". So I nod quickly with a tight smile.

"I'm fine." My voice squeaks awkwardly. Ethel releases a soft sigh. Relief floods my body once more because her now relaxed posture lets me know that this contraction just passed. 

"Thank you for being so patient with me Darlin'."

The corners of my mouth twitch, "Of course. I can't think of any other place I could be right now." And I mean that - kind of. I couldn't be happier to welcome our little boy into the world, I just wish it was under better circumstances. 

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