The suns rising: Pride's return part four

Start from the beginning

Yeah, they should be able to hear the lullaby's song from here. Finally, the time has come! He thought. Suddenly he started to hear some kissing sounds behind him.

"Mm mm mm. Oh, there is some hot little numbers in this week's issue. Wow, young wizarding ladies are so much more powerful now than they were back in my day. And sexier too" The little man gasped. This little man was in fact Makarov looking at a magazine with women inside. He then groaned "Ahh I don't have time for this. I need to catch up to those fools before they destroy an entire town!" Then suddenly he seemed to notice Kagayama.

"It's not what it looks like. I was doing some research on female wizards it was innocent and I-" Makarov started panicking.

"I don't care what you're doing" Kageyama sighed.

"You've been hurt badly, boy. You shouldn't be wandering around the woods in your condition" Makarov noted.

"Yes sir you're right" Kagayama agreed. 

Hold on that's Makarov the master of the fairy tail guild. Why do I keep running into these flies?

"Excuse me?" Kageyama asked.

"Mm?" Makarov turned back around waiting.

"I don't suppose you'd care to hear a song? They wouldn't let me play the flute while I was in the hospital" Kageyama smiled. "It'd mean a lot to play for someone again,".

"That's one creepy-looking flute you got there" Makarov replied.

"I know, But it has a beautiful sound" Kageyama insisted.

"Well I should be going but I guess one song couldn't hurt" Makarov wondered.

"Oh thank you" Kageyama thanked. We win.

"Be sure to listen carefully okay sir?" Kageyama asked. 

"Yeah-Yeah" Makarov muttered. Kageyama lifted the flute up to his lips ready to play. However, he didn't play just yet. This is it. 

Who'd wanna join a legal guild anyway? They suck! He remembered what a fellow eisenwald member said.

Those fairy tail guys are too weak to be talking such big talk. Another had said

The lullaby's song will be our revenge against those who stripped us of our rights and forced us to live in the darkness! Erigor promised

Killing people isn't going to help you get your rights back! Lucy's plea came up unwanted in his mind.

You should try and look for the positive you and your buddies Gray's advice continued.

Kagey! We really need your help right now! Erza begged

He's a member of your guild! He trusted you! And you tried to kill him! Natsu roared in anger.

That is enough Natsu we have no need to take more lives today. Escanor commanded

"There he is!" Gray said.

"Gramps!" Natsu cried.

"Master!" Erza added.

"Shh," A new figure said appearing out of nowhere. Scaring Everyone but Erza.

"We're just about to get to the good part." The weird person whined. "Well aren't you boys yummy. So adorable" The person went on. Natsu and gray shivered in fear. 

"Escanor I'm meant to hide behind you!" Lucy whimpered.

"Who the heck is that guy?" Lucy whispered.

"Master bob" Erza answered.

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