path of the shinigami

Start from the beginning

nezumi: "ahh youth.... anyways whats on your mind."

kisuke: "how is uraraka using her quirk and reatsu at the same time?oh sweetie...... to answer that. do you know where quirks came from? it is the greatest mystery in the world."

momo: "......... nobody does right? thats why it is a mystery."

kisuke: "oh but not to me. or to the soul society."

momo: ".........wait....."

yoruichi: "you guessed it kid."

she turned her head to see yoruichi looking at her. 

yoruichi: "both me and kisuke are centuries old. we know where quirks came from."

momo: "you do?"

nezumi: "yeah. remember the Quincy incident we talked about?"

momo: "yeah?"

yoruichi: "that time a lot of people die. both shinigami and quincy. and not regular ones either. I am talking about a lot of high class fighters from both groups. when they died in the living world. instead of all that reishi returning tot he soul society, they remained on earth. and they fused with humans. thus triggering quirks. sure not all humans were effected, but after 200 years, you can guess what happened."

kisuke: "it was like an infection. it started with some, and quickly spread to the others. 

momo: "wait........ then quirks came from reatsu?

kisuke: "yeah. all the reatsu remained on earth had to go somewhere. and it settled on humans. first example being that kid in china. you know the rest of the story."

momo: "so then how quirks work? or how is she able to do that?"

kisuke: "her body is special. new body at least. normally ochaco'chans quirk was a lot weaker. but her after sensing strong reatsu I decided to not waste that talent. so I made a new body to her and put her soun into that body which will utilized the reatsu better. that gigai allows people to channel their reatsu in a lot more direct and conscious way. allowing the person to utilize the reatsu better."

momo: "wait...... do we need special body to really do that? and that didnt really answer all of my questions."

kisuke: "yes and no. all quirks have a physical and a spiritual aspect to them. that spiritual part is reatsu. it is where they draw power from. but it is a bit of random process. from what I said it is easy for someone to think that those with strong quirks have a lot of reatsu."

momo: "yes......"

kisuke: "but thats not right...... despite drawing power from them, a quirk being strong or weak has nothing to do with the reatsu one has. just like how much reatsu you re born with doesnt make your quirk really strong either. there are 4 kinds of people. first group are people weak quirks and low reatsu. those are average people. next are people with a lot reatsu and really strong quirk. when thats the case, there is a good balance, allowing someone to utilize their quirks quite well. most top heroes are in this category. and I mean top heroes. like allmight stars and stripes. and so on. then there are those with strong quirks but low reatsu. those people will still have quirks but with a cost of their quirks having serious, and some cases lethal drawbacks."

while urahara was explaining, nezumi arrived to the scene to talk.

nezumi: "there is a stundent un the second year of UA. his name is mirio togota, his quirk is in this category. despite its power, due to his low levels of reatsu, he has serious backlash. in fact endeavor is also in this category. his fire quirk is indeed really powerful but his relatively low levels of reatsu is preventing him from utilizing its full power. it is sad really. kisuke thought about giving him a new body but we decided not to after he showed his true colors."

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