2) Farewell

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Attina's eyes watered as her sister broke into loud sobs. Eric's own eyes streamed. "Take care of our daughter, Attina," She nodded firmly. "You have my word,"

Ariel and Eric come to the decision to let Harmione live with her sisters under the sea. They can protect her better down there. It is not a pleasant farewell.

Ariel sighed softly as she attempted to brush the three-month-old's red tufty hair. "I still can't believe how much she looks like my mom," She said out loud. "I only see you," Eric replied from where he was bouncing Melody. Ariel smiled. "You would, you never met my mom," She began to nurse Harmione. "If she looked anything like you, then I imagine she was the most beautiful person in the sea," Ariel blushed.

She ignored her husband's laughter as Harmione finished her feed. She burped her and dressed her up in her blue gown. "I like how you found fabric that's the same as her tail," Eric said. "She's got an odd tail... I've never seen a tail so blue in my whole life," Ariel gushed. "It makes her unique,"

Ariel snorted. "Believe me, she's already unique,"


They sailed out to Atlantica for the celebration of the twins. The only reason they hadn't gone sooner was the twins needed to build their immune systems up, and Ariel needed time to heal. Who knew delivering twins ripped everything her body had to offer? How her mother had seven children truly astounds her. They brought a few of their closest land friends along as well, on the assistance of the palace staff.

Ariel grinned when her sisters popped out of the water. "Hey!" She called. She waved at her dad who dramatically rose up from the sea on a stream of water. "Daddy, can you..." She pointed to her sisters. With a smile, Triton raised his hand. "Of course," All six of her sisters rose up on the water and sat on the railing of the ship. "Guys, this is Melody Lily," Eric smiled as he displayed their firstborn. Melody giggled and cooed at her aunts. "My God, she looks so much like you, Eric!" Andrina said as she wiggled her finger at the baby. Ariel smiled. "And this is Harmione Rose,"

Alana gasped. "She... she looks..."

"Like mom," Attina finished tearfully. "Hmm, your mother was fond of roses," Triton spoke. Ariel nodded. "That's what her name means. In honour of mom. The same goes for lily and Eric's mom," She explained. "Do you want to hold them?"

And so, sister by sister, they each took turns in holding the twin girls, with Ariel and Eric guiding their hands to fully support them. "May I?" Triton asked. Ariel nodded. "Of course, they are your granddaughters," She smiled. She leant her head on Eric's shoulder, who snaked an arm around her waist. "Oh, they're beautiful," Triton smiled as he held both babies. Melody cooed at the new man, while Harmione eyed him suspiciously. Ariel laughed at her expression.

Ariel stood on the shore, holding Melody tightly. Eric stood next to her, holding Harmione. "Daddy, I just..." She sighed. "I don't think it's safe for her..." Triton frowned. "Her?" Attina asked, frowning as well. Ariel blinked away tears. "She... Harmione can't stay here with us... and Melody can't go in the sea."

Triton frowned deeply. "What do you mean?" Ariel sighed. "Show him, Eric," Her husband nodded as he bent down to place Harmione in the water. Attina gasped as her niece's legs gave way to a bright blue mermaid's tail. "I don't understand... she's a mermaid?" He asked. Eric picked her back up again and dried her. Triton watched in shock as her tail split into two baby legs again. "She's a hybrid. That's why she's not safe here,"

Attina frowned. "But why? Surely you're the best people for her to stay with," Ariel clutched Melody tighter. "You think if she's bathing in, say, four years, and she grows a tail, that she won't want to go out in the sea?" Ariel tearfully said. "I can't go with her, and neither can Melody. Neither of us turn into mermaids when we're wet," Her lip trembled. "We just think she'll be safer, as a mermaid, with you guys," Eric finished off. Triton nodded slowly. "Well... if you truly wish for her to live with us back in Atlantica, I won't stop you," Attina blinked in shock. "You think she's not going to want to know who her mom and dad are? Ariel, what do we tell her?" She asked in shock. Ariel sobbed quietly. "You tell her that we live in a dangerous place, and she's safer with you," Eric met her eyes.

Attina was shocked at the force in his voice. "Ok..." She held her arms out as Eric placed the sleeping redheaded baby in them. His hands shook. She met his eyes. "I will protect her with my life,"

He nodded sincerely. "Ariel, my love, do you want to say goodbye?" He asked softly. Ariel sobbed. "If I hold her, I'll never let her go," Attina's heart ached. "I'm so sorry, Ariel," She said.

"We will find her, Ariel. And I will make her suffer for what she has done," Triton spoke, his trident glowing. He hugged her tightly before disappearing under the waves. Attina stayed, hesitant. "What do I tell her about you two?" She asked, desperately trying to keep her voice steady. "You can tell her our names, but do not say anything about where we are. You tell her we live in a dangerous area." Eric said as he handed something over. Attina grabbed it.

"A bracelet?" She asked, confused. "It's the first bracelet I made for Ariel... it'll give her something to know us by," Attina's lip wobbled. "Don't tell her about Melody either, Attina," Ariel suddenly spoke. "I won't..." She had an idea. She took off Harmione's blanket and dipped her legs in the sea. A bright blue tail shimmered into place, much brighter than Aquata's, even. Attina picked up the blanket and pressed it into Eric's hands. "Keep this, as a memory. She won't need it in Atlantica,"

Attina's eyes watered as her sister broke into loud sobs. Eric's own eyes streamed. "Take care of our daughter, Attina," She nodded firmly. "You have my word,"

Melody and Harmione: Return To The SeaWhere stories live. Discover now