~1: Melody Lily & Harmione Rose~

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Ariel panted from exertion. "Doctor?" She asked. "Um... well, you've got a healthy baby girl," he paused. "And a healthy mermaid... I think?"

Everyone is overjoyed when Ariel is expecting, both on land and in the sea. She experiences many strange things during her 9 months when in the end, she finally gives birth to two healthy... girls?

Ariel held back a giggle as she carefully held the small tuft of wheat behind her. "Carlotta, do you know where Eric is?" She asked with a smile. The maid grinned before pointing to the study. "He's in there with Grimsby. I don't believe it's anything too important my dear, so you should be ok to go in," Ariel thanked her and walked as quick as her feet would allow her to. She tapped on the door with her foot. "Come in," Her husband of four months called. She pushed the door open with a smile. "Hi,"

His face lit up in a smile. "Hey," She walked over slowly. "Um.. Grim, would you mind if I spoke to Eric in private? I'll only be a moment," She addressed her advisor. Grim looked between the young couple with a resigned sigh. "Of course. I shall see if anybody needs assistance,"

Ariel watched as he made his leave. "What's up? Is everything ok?" Eric asked, sitting on his desk. Ariel grinned. "Hold out your hands," She commanded. He smiled but closed his eyes as he held out his hands. Ariel placed the wheat carefully into his waiting hands. "Careful, it's fragile," She warned.

He opened his eyes with a small frown. "Wheat?" He asked. Ariel rolled her eyes with a small chuckle. "Do you know what it means?" She asked. Eric paused for a moment, then shook his head. "No. Not apart from it being used in baking," Ariel giggled. "What?" He asked. Ariel pointed to the wheat. "I'm expecting," She beamed. Eric blinked. "Pardon?" Ariel's excitement faltered. "Uh.. I'm with child, the wheat says so,"

Her husbands eyes lit up. "Oh! The wheat and barely test!" Ariel watched as they widened. "Wait, you're pregnant? We're going to have a baby?" Ariel giggled as he pulled her into a hug. "We're going to have a baby!"

Ariel's doctor confirmed she was around four months pregnant, and when she hit her final trimester, they announced it to the Kingdom. A party was held in celebration, even as she hobbled down the stairs in a flowey yellow dress. "Ooh, you are large my dear. Are you having multipuls?" One woman asked. Ariel placed a hand on her, admitadly very large, bump. "I'm not sure. Three months to go, and we'll know,"

Ariel dressed up in her blue town outfit to announce the news to her family, who swum up to the surface to hear her news. She sat on a rock, combing her hair. "Are you sure they're coming, my love?" Eric asked from behind. "I'm sure, just give them time. It's quite a journey from Atlantica," She reassured. Lo and behold, thirty minutes later, her sisters popped out of the water, one-by-one, followed by her father. She wadded into the water, with the help of Eric, to a rock that was far enough in to keep her sisters happy, but close enough to the land to keep Eric happy.

"I have some news," She spoke. Attina scootched up next to her. "Eric and I are having a baby!" She giggled as her sisters swarmed her. Triton watched fondly as he patted the father-to-be's arm. "Congratulations, my boy." Eric smiled. "Thank you, sir," He said sincerely. "Do you know when you are due?" Attina asked. "Three more months, or three more full moons," Ariel answered. "Do you know what you are having yet, my dear?" Triton asked aloud. Ariel's sisters stopped shouting over each other to listen. "Well, there's a test that humans use that supposedly determines what you're having, and we think a little girl,"

Ariel's sisters swarmed them both, all at once. Eric's face broke into a smile at his wife's joyful laughter.

The three months passed far too quickly. Eric paced nervously outside the delivery room. Many nurses and doctors bustled in and out, assuring the Queen and future heir were safe and comfortable. Carlotta stayed outside with Eric, on request of Ariel. "I know the noises are painful to listen to, but I can assure you, she is fine." Carlotta patted his arm as his wife cried in agony. "I can't just sit here while she is in pain, Lottie. I need to be in there with her," He paced. "If the doctor allows it, then you may," She said with a glare in Grimsby's direction. "It is against tradition!" He sputtered. Ariel cried out again, making Eric's mind up. He stood up and grabbed the doorhandle. "It's nothing I haven't seen before," He said over his shoulder. The door shut to Grimsby's embarrassed suttering, and Carlotta's laughter.

He immediately sat by her head, grabbing her hand and pulling her hair back. "Nearly there, your highness, perhaps two more pushes." The doctor said from near her legs. "Come on, you're nearly there, I promise," He kissed her damp forehead. "Are we ready?" The doctor asked. "On three. One... two... three,"

Ten minutes later, the wails of two newborns rang loudly in the room.

Ariel panted from exertion. "Doctor?" She asked. "Um... well, you've got a healthy baby girl," he paused. "And a healthy mermaid... I think?" Eric frowned as Ariel made grabby hands. "Let me see," The doctor handed the human baby to Eric's awaiting arms, while he passed a light-blue finned baby girl to Ariel. "Oh... so she is," She commented. "I'm still trying to get over the fact we have twin girls, nevermind one's a mermaid," Eric said dryly as he bounced the black-haired firstborn daughter.

"Hand me the towel," Ariel said to a nurse. She gently dabbed the baby mermaids tail, wiping away any liquids. Eric watched in amazement as two legs shimmered into place. Ariel tucked the baby into a blanket. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked, smiling.

They traded babies. "Oh, Eric, she has your eyes and hair," Ariel smiled at the firstborn. "Ariel, have you seen this one's hair? She's as red as you, but she has eyes I don't know," He smiled at his wife. She peered into the blanket with a soft smile. "She has my mother's eyes, as aqua as the ocean itself."

"What are you going to call them?" The nurse asked smiling by a piece of paper. Ariel nodded to her firstborn. "Melody Lily," Eric smiled. "My mother's favourite flower," He whispered. Ariel smiled back. "And Harmione Rose,"

Melody and Harmione: Return To The SeaWhere stories live. Discover now