Mistletoe | Sova x nb! Reader

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A/N: This oneshot will be about the video game, Valorant! I'm obsessed with it and the characters so I might write about it more in the future! This oneshot tho is about Sova


"Lately I've been, I've been, losing sleep; dreaming about the things that we could be."


Sova recently gained an injury on a..less than successful mission with Kingdom. It was a minor one, there was no need to worry about his life. However, it left him out of the action for at least two weeks. You, being more of a "behind the scenes" person than a fighter, kept Sova company. So far one week had passed and you two became closer than before. You and Sova were always friends, but now with you occasionally tending to his injury and always keeping his spirits high, you two got even closer.

It was the start of his second week in recovery when you had decided to teach Sova all about the classic Nintendo video games. Considering he never got free time and whenever he did, he was busy tinkering with his bow, you thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to help him relax. You had gone over the classic Mario games and were about to start on the first Zelda game when you two decided to take a break for lunch. You had been cooking for the both of you but today Sova wanted to go out; he would pay, of course, he never let you or anyone else pay for that matter. You were zipping up your boots and Sova was putting on his jacket when he asked...

"любовь, where's your favorite place to dine?" Recently, he's adopted that nickname for you. You had no clue what it meant, and he wouldn't tell you. He did, however, reassure you that it was something very positive and he smiles each time he calls you that. So, that was good enough for you. For now.

"Sov, I've already told you that we can eat wherever you want. You're paying for it after all!" You smiled up at him before standing. He had asked you that multiple times already, clearly not backing down.

"I know that, but I want you to enjoy it as well." Sova opened the door for you, gesturing for you to walk through with his other hand. You did so, while shaking your head playfully.

"As long as I'm with you, I'll enjoy it." It was a bit more forward than you intended but you still meant it. You could've sworn you saw Sova's pale face go a bit pink, but you shrugged it off. After a few minutes of silence, with Sova realizing you truly didn't care where the two of you went, you had arrived in the busy downtown. It was cold out, as it was right in the middle of December. It wasn't snowing yet, however yesterday's snow was still all over the place: the ground, buildings, cars. Wherever it could get, the snow was there. You were shivering slightly, despite the hat, gloves, and jacket that Sova insisted you wore. You didn't do so well in the cold, Sova was the complete opposite. Sova glanced at you, frowning seeing your nose slightly red.

"Are you okay, любовь?" He inquired, taking off one of his gloves and cupping your cheek. He was feeling how cold your face was. You couldn't help but flush from the action, avoiding his piercing eyes. Sova just frowned more, rubbing your cheek gently with his warm fingers. "We should get you inside, Y/N. You're freezing."

You gently shook your head, not wanting the feeling of his rough skin on yours to go away. Instead you smiled unsurely. It was true; you were freezing, however you didn't want to go anywhere Sova didn't want. "I'll be alright, don't worry about me." He merely scoffed lightly and grabbed your hand, pulling you into the nearest restaurant. Which actually wasn't a restaurant at all. Instead, it was a small café. You relaxed at feeling the warmth from the heating system. You felt a lot better already. Sova smiled seeing you relax, gently letting go of your hand once more. You had to hold in a frown at that action, wanting his touch once more. You had a hard time admitting it to yourself, but you had grown a small crush on the Russian man standing next to you. You had tried to convince yourself that it wouldn't become anything more than a stupid heat-of-the-moment thing, but his caring and protective nature just made you fall deeper and deeper into his spell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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