Chapter 1. Saved by a Traitor

Începe de la început

"Not until you're better, My Highness. I do apologise. But you may be here for a few days. Let alone that wound will be nasty for a few weeks. I can supply you with some medication cream!" The cookie suggested.

"Who are you... You're not some random cookie. No random cookie would have those pictures." Dark Cacao pointed to the altar.

The cookie looked at the altar before looking at Dark Cacao. "Hm, well. I'll let you figure that out. But now, let me get you some medication." The cookie mumbled as they got up, heading to a bookcase.

Dark Cacao watched the cookie as they pulled out a vial, looking at the label before taking a quick breath, "Are you allergic to anything?" They asked.

"Not that I'm aware of. Well... Except for sea food." Dark Cacao explained.

They nodded before walking over with the vial, "Every cookie in the kingdom knows that it's common knowledge. Your Majesty."

They picked up a vial and walked over to Dark Cacao, unscrewing the lid.

"Drink, My Liege- My Majesty! It'll make you feel better." The cookie looked away in embarrassment as they handed the vial.

Dark Cacao looked at him, his eyes laid half awake, he knew who the cookie was, far too well...

"Affogato." He cursed as he stared at the Cookie.

The cookie turned his head to him, horrified before he got up, leaving the vial in Dark Cacao's hand.

"What did you just say..." The cookie stared at him, their pupils shaking violently.

"You heard me, Dishonourable Scum!" He hissed.

The cookie stumbled backwards, bumping into a chair as he gripped onto the sides.

"How..." He questioned.

"The altar. The pictures. Your voice. And what you called me." Dark Cacao sat at the edge of the bed, about to get up.

Affogato's eyes bolted around the room, looking for anything.

Dark Cacao got up, only to hiss in pain as he struggled to keep balance and not fall over.

Affogato bolted over and picked him up, putting him back into bed and tucking him in.

"You idiotic foolish King." Affogato cursed as he picked up the dropped vial and poured some into Dark Cacao's mouth.

Dark Cacao looked dazed, his hands caressed his stomach as his eyes let out occasional drops of tears.

Affogato put the empty vial onto the side and grabbed some bandages.

He grabbed Dark Cacao's hands and moved them out the way, unwrapping the old bandages.

He got up and went to his desk, searching for some cream to apply.

Dark Cacao hissed as he curled into the fetal position, trying to cope with the pain.

His eyes bolted open as cold ointment got applied to his wound, Affogato's soft hand gently touched the wound.

He reached for Affogato's wrist and grabbed it, his teeth gritting.

"Just a bit more, then I'll rewrap your wound and get you nice and warm." He whispered to him, an innocent smile on his face.

He rubbed the rest of the ointment on the wound and rewrapped it.

He put the quilt back over Dark Cacao, moving a loose strand of hair from his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but no response, just a dazed face.

"My Liege?" He asked again, but still no response.

He let out a sigh before rubbing his cheek, "Is the wound taking a toll on your body?"

Dark Cacao groaned as he rolled over, looking away from Affogato.

"My Liege. Listen to me." He hummed gently into his ear.

Dark Cacao's hand grabbed Affogato's hand, moving it away from his face before hurling into the fetal position.

"My Liege. Relax, it should calm down in a few minutes!" Affogato comforted, putting his hand over Dark Cacao's stomach, rubbing it gently with his thumb.

Dark Cacao began choking up tears. The pain began taunting him, reminding him of pain from years ago.

A hand slid under Dark Cacao's head, giving him something to rest his head on as the pillow wasn't under it.

"Come on, My Liege. Just wait a few minutes..." He kept whispering.

Dark Cacao groaned one more time before the pain stopped. Whatever it was, what attacked him certainly cut into him deeply.

"There you go! You see, it wasn't that bad after all. Now, taking a deep breath and relax, I'll make you some food." Affogato hummed as he removed himself from the King.

He rolled onto his back as he watched Affogato leave the room, going to get some food for him.

He looked around the room, the desk, the alter, the windows, the door, the seats, and the bed. All fit exactly like how Affogato's room in the citadel was made and fit.

He sat up once again, staring at the desk, trying to figure out what the paper Affogato was writing said.

Affogato came back into the room, holding a tray. He stared at Dark Cacao with confusion.

"My Liege, is there something you're confused about?" He asked.

"The desk, what does that paper say..." He pointed over to it.

Affogato walked up the desk, grabbed the paper, and looked at it.

"Just a form, I was going to send it to you for you to sign it." He walked over, holding it.

Dark Cacao to the form, looking at it. It was about turning a small village into a tribe, but one thing was not ticked. The most important part of a Dark Cacao Kingdom tribe is having a dragon that represents it.

"I mustn't accept... you don't have a dragon.." He sighed, "I wouldn't accept it anyways. As it's your tribe, and didn't I strictly say never to come back anywhere near the Dark Cacao Kingdom?!" He added.

Affogato sighed before he sat down at his desk, away from Dark Cacao. "At least I tried to get your approval. Isn't that more than what I've done before?" He groaned as he stared at him.

A knock came from the door as Affogato got back up, walking to it. "Yes?" He asked, a tribal member.

"Leader Affogato. A cookie has had another doughling. You need to come check this one out. We fear it may be a completely different flavour than any of ours!" The cookie spoke, a startle in tone of voice.

"Calm down, Bitter Dough. I'll be there shortly." Affogato spoke before rushing over to Dark Cacao.

"I'll be back shortly. You get some rest, Your Majesty." Affogato hummed before grabbing a messenger satchel and going off with the Cookie.

"Hrrm... How did that cookie even get in here... The front door is downstairs... Unless that cookie has access to Affogato's cabin." Dark Cacao talked to himself before something came to his mind.

'Where is that Cream Wolf at...' Dark Cacao thought, bolting up as he looked around the room. He noticed a pile of clothing. It was his.

A giant red stain of Strawberry Jam was on the pile of clothing, followed by rip marks. His boots had claw marks on it.

Dark Cacao sighed before lying down, an ache in his stomach. He knew what happened to the Cream Wolf, and he was miserable to know.


The first chapter is to be rewritten, I have like 32 more to go, depression.

(W.C 1831)

Re-earning His Trust Once More. /\ Dark Cacao X Affogato (BEING REWRITTEN)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum