chapter ten

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Summer's POV
I am so sorry for freddy, maybe I should not have been angry with him,you know he was trying to protect our friendship, I shouldn't have been so harsh on him, just then I heard a familiar voice calling my name I turned and it was freddy.
Freddy:summy we need to talk.
I tried to keep a serious face but I knew it wasn't going to work,I didn't have anything to say so I followed him to the secret band room.

Freddy's POV
Summer actually followed me I have this feeling that she's gonna forgive me for real.
Freddy: summer I'm really sorry for all I put you through, the truth is that, I've always had a crush on you,since I saw you,but I was scared to tell cause you were my best friend and I didn't want to make our friendship awkward,I still really like you so much,but it's okay if you say no cause I know I've been an idiot for the past two months, I'm sorry summer.

Summer's POV
When Freddy said those words I was just so dumbfounded I didn't believe he was saying those words to me I've dreamt and waited for this day all my life and so HAPPY!!!!.
Summer: freddy I feel the exact same way and I'm sorry for not letting you explain
But he wouldn't let me finish he kissed me and I felt Sparks and butterflies in my stomach god I felt so good.
Freddy: so I guess it's Apollogy accepted?
Summer: yeah I forgive you.
Freddy: summer I've wanted to ask you this question for a very long time now.
Summer:go on.
Freddy: summer would you like to be my girlfriend now?
Well you know what I said already,i said YES YES!!!.
We went to class and everyone was surprised that I was holding freddy,then we told the whole class and everyone was happy and as for Kale,she wouldn't dare talk to me or you know for me and freddy being best friends was not enough.

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