chapter six

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Zack's POV
What the hell is wrong with freddy, how could he could he do this to Summer,I thought he liked her, OMG freddy is such a jerk.

Tamikas POV
What is  he doing, summer is there.

Freddy's POV
I'm not happy doing this but I have to, for summer,I can't afford to watch our friendship crumble,we are friends not lovers.
Just then I came to were Kale was and gave her the flowers and asked her to be my girlfriend, well she screamed and said Yes,she pulled me and we kissed I didn't kiss back and I couldn't even resist, just then I heard the mic drop I turned round and saw summer looking at me with tears forming in her gorgeous eyes and Kale was smirking so hard, she ran away but I couldn't go after her,I saw the rest of the band leaving but Kale wouldn't let me go. I felt like I had made the worst mistake of my life,I felt so horrible.

Summers POV
Freddy made a fool of me!
Freddy insulted me!
Freddy used me and all he could do was stand and stare, just then I heard the rest of the band calling me to wait, I heard Zacks voice in particular it sounded like he had something to say I tried to turn,then I heard a screeching sound and everything went black.

Zack's POV
I didn't want summer to hate freddy, so I ran after her but she had gone to far I screamed her name she was about to turn when a car that was in full speed knocked her down,he didn't wait,he just drove away.

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