「 Epilogue 」

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After Namjoon left the stage, the gathering of people proceeded to say their individual goodbyes to Taehyung. As the people passed by, a lone piano in the sanctuary sang out the notes of "Only Hope", the song Taehyung had requested to be played at his funeral many years earlier.

The coffin was lifted into a limousine, and the procession went on to the cemetery where Taehyung and Jungkook had spent so many hours looking toward the heavens. After the prayers were recited, Kim Taehyung's body was laid to rest beside that of his husband.

Kim Taehyung opened his eyes and slowly, almost agonizingly rolled out of bed. He looked around, but he couldn't quite see clearly.

He felt the same as he did every morning, but somehow different. As he got dressed and walked down the hallway, he felt that he wasn't really in his house – yet, it was the same house.

The same white, two-story house he and Jungkook had moved into after their wedding. The same home he had lived in since he left Beaufort when he was 18.

The furniture, the decorations were all the same as he had left them the night before, but in a strange way they weren't. As he walked down the stairs, Taehyung tried desperately to clear his mind and to shake off the cobwebs. But he couldn't. His mind seemed cloudy, foggy.

The past and the present were suddenly all a blur to him, and he felt like he couldn't bring anything distinctly forward. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he thought he saw something move in the living room.

He rubbed his eyes, thinking maybe his blurry vision was just stopping him. When he looked again though, he knew he wasn't dreaming the first time.

The something was actually a someone, a young man from the looks of things. He turned to him and smiled.


The man ran up to him and wrapped his arms around him. Still confused, Taehyung tried to push him away. Before he could, however, the man looked up and kissed Taehyung . And then it happened.

The moment Taehyung lips met his, everything came rushing back to him. He remembered being in kindergarten, watching as a small boy with dark brown hair walked into the room and sat down.

He remembered his father leaving him and his mother. He remembered the crazy stunt in his senior year of high school with Clay Gephardt.

He remembered spending the night in jail, and the following months with his leg in a cast. He remembered being forced to help the janitor, tutor disadvantaged kids, and participate in the school play.

Most of all, he remembered Jungkook.

Taehyung remembered blocking Jungkook out the first time he had tried to talk to him on the bus. He remembered when Jungkook gave him a ride home after play rehearsal and he had rudely dialed his radio to his own preference.

Taehyung remembered asking Jungkook to help him with his lines, only to blow him off in public in front of his "cooler" friends. He remembered the play and seeing Jungkook in all of his beauty for the first time.

He remembered their first date, taking Jungkook to the state line, giving him a fake tattoo, and kissing him at the pier. He remembered their wedding day, the joy they both felt and the happiness they shared the following summer.

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