「 Epilogue 」

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Kim Taehyung died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 86. He died not as an unremembered man in a small town, but rather he would be remembered by many as both a good friend and as a famous medical researcher.

He not only made it out of Beaufort as he had hoped, but became a doctor and played a part in many important medical breakthroughs that occurred in his lifetime. Taehyung was guided by Jungkook's words every step of the way: "... you can do anything."

Taehyung's funeral was held in Beaufort, so he could finally be laid to rest in the plot he had reserved next to Jungkook's.

His memorial ceremony was held in the same Baptist church where Jungkook's parents were married, where he and Jungkook were married, and where everyone had gathered sixty-eight years earlier to remember Jungkook.

The small church had been expanded several times in the years since Jungkook and Taehyung were married there, but the crowd that gathered to honor Taehyung still filled the main sanctuary. There were doctors who had worked with Taehyung, as well as those of his friends from medical school who were still alive.

Not many of Taehyung's friends from high school survived him, but there were the faithful few, Namjoon and Belinda included.

The children and grandchildren of those who had already passed also came, many of them remembering Taehyung more as an uncle than as a family friend.

Namjoon had been chosen to deliver the eulogy.

Time had taken its toll on him; his hair had turned to white and he walked with a slight limp. He still stood proud, however, as he made his way to the pulpit to speak in remembrance of his best friend.

"Kim Taehyung was a great doctor," Namjoon began.

"You can see that if you just look around and see how many other doctors are here to remember him. But more than that, Taehyung was a wonderful friend, whether we were riding our bikes around the neighborhood in first grade, working on cars or just being lazy in high school, or getting together for a soda on some warm summer day. He was a brilliant man, more so I think than any of his friends (myself included) had realized when we were younger. I mean – I never would've thought when we were at Beaufort High that Taehyung would be famous for developing an amazing medical treatment." Namjoon paused. "At least, not if it hadn't been for Jungkook. I'll always remember the day when, we decided to pull a prank on Jungkook and hand out flyers of his face on some swimsuit model's body. I'll never forget the look on Taehyung's face when he found out, or the surprise we all felt when we saw him punch out Dean and walk away from us. I don't think any of us really understood at the time, but Jungkook really changed him. It was only later that we found out Taehyung had more love in his heart than we knew. More than I think even he could understand. Even after Taehyung and Jungkook got married, I don't think I understood fully. Not until the day when he and I were just lounging in his living room, drinking some lemonade, when the phone call came telling Taehyung that the medical community had approved his treatment for leukemia. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, and when they asked him what to call the treatment, he could only say one word: 'Jungkook'. That's when I understood what Kim Taehyung was all about. He was a man full of caring, respect, and love. He even found it in himself...." Namjoon trailed off, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. "He even found it in himself to forgive us for all of the terrible things we did to him and Jungkook in high school. I'm thankful every day that he was such a good person. I don't know what I would've done without my best friend."

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