the band hears the loud "MOTLEY CRUEEE!!!" and connie and i wish them luck as i kiss tommy one last time. "god get together already" connie rolls his eyes.

im really glad he's okay with this, if he wasn't i dont know what i'd do.

the band runs out as the crowd goes insane. i smile proudly at them as vince shouts whatever he shouts in the mic before starting shout at the devil.

"so, i wanted to make sure on everything. are you fine with tommy and i?" i look to connie. "yeah! as long as both of you guys are happy, im happy" he smiles and kisses my forehead.

i just smile back and pull him into a hug, "thank you for being so supportive"

"you're lucky i love you" he chuckles before mouthing the words to the song slightly dancing along.

after a couple of songs the boys leave the stage for a short break.

tommy runs up to me, sweating so much he looked like someone dumped him into a pool and tried to hug me.

"woah woah woah!!" i back up with my hands out, "ill do all the hugging and shit when we get home and you have a shower" i scoff lightly and laugh. he gives me a slightly pouty face.

i peck him on the lips, "thats all" he asks with a smile. "yeah?" i scoff looking over as the band doused themselves in water to cool down.

"the crowd looks a bit bored.." vince smirks walking up to me. "would you like to play a little something for them?" mick asks, holding the same smirk plastered on vinces face.

i shake my head profusely, "absolutely not!! thats a big ass crowd im not doing that... i cant do that!!" i shout waving my hands to point towards the hundreds of people.

"oh c'mon. just a bit?" mick pleads. "and im sure tommy would love to show you off..." vince adds.

feeling pressured i give into them. "if you dont wanna do it you dont have to... you know?" nikki looks down at me. "nahh its okay, sixx" i sigh, tuning the spare guitar they gave me.

"what are you gonna do?" he asks slightly. "live wire?" i look to the band in question. "hell yeah!!" tommy smiles. "and mick are you sure you're okay with me kinda filling in for you?" i look back at him.

"i want you to have fun, honey" he rubs my back with a sweet smile.

"why are you such a dick to us but never to ace" vince rolls his eyes. "shes a sweetheart, unlike you fools" he rolls his eyes continuing to rub my back.

"thank you, mars" i stand up with the guitar. "holy shit you look hot with that." tommy smirks lightly, eyeing me up and down. blushing at the compliment i hide my face and smile.

"alright let's gooo!!" vince skips on stage as everyone shouts and whistles at him. "okay, we have a special little someone who we've invited to play a little guitar for us..." vince shouts waving for me to enter the stage.

awkwardly i take a breath and walk out waving, "this is a good friend of ours, ace... orrr tommy's little toyyyy" he teases with a smile staring at us as tommy comes up behind me.

"asshole" i roll my eyes and make sure the guitar is in position. tommy lays a kiss on my lips before hopping onto his drumset as i plug in the guitar.

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