When she asked me for permission to come to Sweets with him, I laughed out loud because she doesn't need it. I know that she really likes him, and he treats her how I'd always hoped someone would, so I couldn't be happier.

I'm ringing up a customer when Wendy approaches me and whispers, "why don't you bring your mom and her...friend...something from the pastry case. My treat."

I turn to look at her. "Really? You sure?"

"Am I sure?" she repeats with a chuckle. "'Course I'm sure. Anyone who makes Ruby's daughter smile like that deserves free food."

I thank Wendy and slide open the pastry case, opting for one of the fudgy brownies. I settle it over a napkin on a plate and proceed for mom and Adam.

"On the house," I place the dessert down on the table and tell them. 

"Oh, wow," Adam looks at it and remarks. "That's very sweet of you. Thank you!"

"It was all Wendy," I say.

"This looks delicious," mom says as she digs in with a fork.

I leave them to their little date and head back to finish the rest of the day's work.

I offered to stay past my 3 o'clock shift to help Danny clean up because I wanted to talk to him about our current status. I came to the decision that I have to end my romantic relationship with him. He'll probably hate me afterwards considering me breaking up with him has become repetitive at this point, but I know what I want, and what I want is Nico. It's always been Nico.

With no one else here, Danny comes in to give me a kiss on the lips, but I move my head slightly, giving him my cheek instead. He looks at me, concerned, and then asks me if everything's okay.

"No, actually," I pace around the room and say, playing with my nailbeds to avoid looking him in the eyes. He comes over to me, despite me walking away from him, and puts his hand over my shoulder.

"What's up?" he asks.

I move my body away from him so that I can turn to see him better. "I need to be honest with you...Nico and I kissed the other night." I'm hoping that blurting out the words in one sentence will make things easier.

He looks at me, perplexed. "I'm sorry," he laughs. "Sorry, I thought I heard you say that you kissed Nico."

"I did," I tell him, biting down on my lip. I'm so nervous right now.

His laughter stops. "Okay, so you kissed Nico? You made a mistake, you were honest with me, and now we can move on from it."

I'm shocked at how nonchalant his reaction is, so I can't help but ask, "That's it? You're not mad?"

"Mad? No. Disappointed? Yes. But I'll get over it, so long as you promise me that it doesn't happen again."

That's something that I know I can't promise. Nor do I want to.

"I can't," I say lowly at first, but then speak louder. "I'm sorry, but I can't."

He grabs onto his hips, his forehead scrunched. "You can't promise me - your boyfriend - that kissing someone who isn't your boyfriend won't happen again? Are you fucking serious?"

I didn't know Danny could get angry - like really angry - until now.

"Danny, I'm so sorry. I totally understand that you're mad and -"

"You have everyone fooled," he cuts me off and chuckles in disbelief. "You even had me fooled. Here I am thinking that I met a nice, innocent girl. But you're not innocent at all. You're just a little slut."

His words shock me more than they do hurt me. "Danny, that's a horrible thing to say to someone."

"Why? It's the truth. And unlike you, I'm all about honesty."

"I'm being honest with you, Danny."

"Really? Where was your honesty when you were making out with that scum of a human? How about your loyalty? Where was that?"

"You're right. I should've never kissed Nico while you and I were still together. And for that, I'm so, deeply sorry."

"What about when you told me that you were over Nico? Were you being honest then?"

"No," I state. "I wasn't. I'm sorry."

He chuckles condescendingly. "Are you, though? Are you sorry? Because I don't think that you are. In fact, I don't think that you ever liked me. You know what I think? I think that you were just using me to help you get over the fact that your boy Nico doesn't want you the way that you want him."

While I don't disagree with Danny that I wasn't honest, his tone is becoming cruel, and he's starting to get out of line.

"Look, Danny, like I said, I sincerely apologize if I hurt you. You don't have to believe me, but I promise you that my intentions meant well."

"Bullshit," he says. "You know what, Bella? I don't even care anymore. I don't want to be with a slut like you anyways."

"Call her a slut one more time, I dare you," a voice calls out.

It's Nico, and he's standing by the door. He must've called me to tell me that he was coming to get me, but I haven't looked at my phone in hours.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?" Danny says. "This doesn't concern you."

"My name came out of your mouth, so I'd say that this definitely concerns me."

"Tell me something," Danny looks at Nico and states. "Why is it that everything that involves you turns to shit? Columbia, your parent's marriage, Bella."

"Don't say her name," Nico growls, but Danny just smiles devilishly.

"Bella," he gets in Nico's face and states in a tone that makes me hate him. "Bella," he says again. "Bel-la." Danny smirks at Nico, knowing that he's agitated him. "You can have her. She's not even worth it."

And just like that, Nico crosses his arm against Danny's jaw, making him fall to the ground. Knowing what's good for him, Danny stays down, and Nico looks at him from where he stands.

"If I ever find out that her name came out of your mouth from this point on, I'll ruin you," Nico spits.

Danny taps his lip with his finger to find blood there. "Is that a threat?" he asks.

"No," Nico shakes his head and states. "It's a fucking promise."

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