Quidditch Practice | Draco x Y/n

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Y/n: ravenclaw, half-blood, 5th year
Draco: 6th year

You flip the page of your book and look up at the slytherin team practicing. Sometimes you came to the different teams' practices and read while sitting in the stands.
Quidditch games were so loud, but very fun.
However, the quidditch field was quite a nice place to read when you didn't feel like reading in your room.
Suddenly, you look over to your left and see the snitch.
Draco Malfoy, the slytherin team seeker, suddenly swoops down and catches it.
"Nice job," you say as you clap.
"Thanks," Draco says with a smirk.
"I see you're reading again," he continues.
"What about it?" you ask.
"You're always reading during quidditch practice, why?" he asks as he sits down next to you, holding the snitch.
"I don't know, it's kinda fun to watch," you reply.
"Fun watching all the cute boys?" Draco laughs.
"Enough," you laugh and close your book.
"Whatcha reading anyways?" Draco asks as he takes the book out of your hands.
"Draco!" you say as you try to get it back.
"Is charms your favorite subject?" he asks as he examines the charms book you had been reading.
"Yes, and give me my book back," you cross your arms.
"No," he says as he stands up.
"Excuse me?!" you exclaim as you stand up as well.
"Come meet me at the astronomy tower tonight if you want your book back," he says with a smirk as he picks up his broom.
"Meet you at the astronomy tower?! What the hell, Draco, give me my book!" you frown.
"Please, it'll do you good to have some time with your nose not shoved in a book. Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight," he says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you roll your eyes at his comment.
"Is this supposed to be a date?" you question.
Draco smirks and then gets on his broom and tucks your book away into his uniform.
"See you tonight, y/n," he winks before flying off.
You sit back down stunned.
"See you tonight, I guess..." you say after he's left.
You sit there and question what just happened.

(366 words)

Thank u for reading! And hope you enjoyed the meme ;)

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Thank u for reading! And hope you enjoyed the meme ;)

Sorry for my lack of updating! I've been unbelievably busy!

Love ya! 🫶🏻

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