Colleauges | Draco x Hermione

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Hermione's POV:
I walked into the ministry confidently. This was my new workplace.
It was always my dream to work in the ministry of magic. I had received a few offers right after the war had ended, but I felt like I needed to spend some time with my family and friends. After all, I had just gone through an incredibly traumatic experience in which a freak by the name of Voldemort had tried to kill one of my best friends.
"Ah, Miss Granger, your boss will be out with you in a moment to greet you," a man sitting behind a tall wooden desk said to me.
"Thank you," I said as I began to admire the portraits on the wall of influential members of the ministry throughout the years.
I knew one day I would be up on that wall.
"Granger, fancy seeing you here," I hear.
I turn around and see Malfoy walking towards me.
"Malfoy, it's been a while," I say avoiding eye contact.
I hadn't seen him since the night after the war ended.
That was the night that he had kissed me.
"It sure has been, how are you?" he smiled.
"I'm doing well, and yourself?" I replied.
"Well," he answered shortly.
"I'm waiting for my boss, it's my first day on the job," I went on to tell him.
He laughed.
What was so funny to him?
"Granger, I'm your boss," he smirked.
My jaw dropped.
There was no way in hell that Draco Malfoy was going to be my boss.
"Hermione?" he said as he waved a hand across my face.
I quickly snapped out of it.
"Sorry, I..." I began to explain.
"...Find hard to believe that I'm your boss? Huh?" Draco said, tilting his head to the side.
"A little," I say as I blush.
"No need to be so timid, Granger. I'll play nice," he jokes as he leads me back into his office.
I see a picture of his family on the wall.
They disgust me.
He has some nerve having his distasteful bloodline on full display for anyone who walks in.
"So, today I was just thinking you could focus on getting acquainted. You know, getting to know my other employees and everything," Draco tells me.
"Sounds good," I say.
I sat sluggishly at my new desk.
Draco Malfoy was my boss. Gross.
If I had accepted the offer to come work at the ministry years ago, I would've been his boss.
This was ridiculous.
"Hermione, care to get a drink at the pub? It is closing time," Draco says as he stands in front of my desk.
"Wouldn't that be a little inappropriate with you being my boss and all?" I ask.
"No, not at all. After hours, I'm just an old friend," he smiles.
"Friend?" I smirk.
"Oh, come on, Granger. I know I was a bully, but I'm trying to be civil here and be nice," he rolls his eyes.
"Fine, I'll have a drink with you," I give in.
"Great. Let me know when you're ready," Draco says.
I sit across the table from the pale blonde boy.
He goes on talking and talking about life the past few years.
"Draco," I cut him off.
"Yes?" he raises an eyebrow.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I question him with a furrowed brow.
"So, I can't be nice now?" he shrugged off my question with a laugh.
I stare him down and persistently wait for him to answer my question.
"Woah. Someone's getting impatient, I see" he says as his tone shifts.
I roll my eyes.
"If I'm being honest, I was just an ass to you in the past. I want to make up for it if you'll let me," he says sincerely.
"Is that why you kissed me that night, to make up for it? Try to play me?" I continue skeptically.
"No, Granger. I liked you. You're smart, pretty, and so determined. Those are great qualities," he says.
"Oh, really, Malfoy? Or should I say, boss?" I smirk.
"Would you quit referring to me as your boss? I hate it! We work together, Granger. We're ... just colleagues if you think about it," he suggests.
"Yeah, and should a colleague flirt with another colleague?" I say.
"If it feels right," he looks right into my eyes.
I avoid eye contact with him after this intense stare.
I couldn't let him know that I was kinda liking the new and improved version of Malfoy.
"Does this feel right to you?" he says with a low voice as he touches my hand.
"It does," I blush.
Wow, Hermione.
You were supposed to keep this crush in!
Draco smiles sweetly.
He begins talking about memories he had while he was a student at Hogwarts.
He even brings up the time I had punched him.
"Well, you deserved it!" I bursted out laughing with a grin from ear to ear.
"Still hurt though!" Draco defended himself.
"Oh, what did you expect for being such a git," I laugh.
We had the best time talking about literally everything.
I wish the night could've gone on longer.
"Draco, it's getting late," I say with a yawn as I take a final sip of my butterbeer.
He looks up at the clock as if he didn't realize how much time had passed.
"You're right, guess I'll see you tomorrow, right" he says smiling softly.
"Guess you will," I smile back.
Not only was I working for Draco Malfoy, but I also had an insane crush on him.

(931 words)

tyyy for reading! 🦋

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