Let's be biased

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| Chapter 22 |


" You are so blind," she laughs.

" What's that supposed to mean,"

" You don't see it do you," she says more to herself than to me.

" See what?" I ask slightly confused about the conversation.

" That guy is crazy about you stupid," she shakes her head in disappointment. " That man has been talking about you for months. Amari does this, Amari likes that, Amari this, Amari that. The point is he couldn't stop talking about you. "

" And your stupid arse thinks he's just playing with you!, " She clicks her tongue. " You are lucky you know. Shawn is the most amazing person I know, his always so understanding, and he values relationships, and not most men are like that, "

" Are you sure he likes me like that? " I ask.

" I think he more than likes you, darling, she says sitting up properly. " But hey, if you don't like him that you should tell it to him straight... He will understand,"

" You just confused me more, you know?"

She laughs. " You shouldn't worry yourself about it though, Shawn is a good guy and I'm sure he would have no problem remaining just friends,"

She's clearly biased. Why else would she be vouching for him? " Yeah,"

" Look at the time, I should probably get going,"

I stand and walk her to the door. " Thanks for coming over,"

" No thank you, I'm happy to make a new friend,"

" Me too," we exchange hugs and she gets in her car.


I couldn't understand my feelings. Was I angry? No. Was I happy? No. Was I hungry? Maybe but that won't explain the uncomfortable clenching of my heart.

Maybe these are early symptoms of heart problems!

I have been twisting and turning all night. My mind is restless. My thoughts can't stay in one place. The conversation I had with Sofia has been replaying itself in my head all night.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I like him? Maybe but, does he like me? If so... Why hasn't he done anything? At least show me a signal or something. Now I'm up at 2 am, wondering where we stand. But what if does like me? What does that mean for our friendship? This is real life, and the probability of this not working out is very high.

But what if he does like me and he has been genuinely flirting with me?..... Oh my goodness, I did again?

I was being selfish.

No, no, no... But what if I'm just overthinking and he doesn't like me that? You know what, I refuse to suffer alone. I take out my phone and fail his number. He answers on the third ring.

" Amari," says, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

" Are you asleep?"

I hear him moving before he clears his throat. "No, I was walking my fish,"

I give him a nervous laugh. " Okay, goodnight then,"

I was about to hang up but he spoke. " Talk to me Coco puffs, tell me why you called,"

" No reason," I lie

" You couldn't sleep?"

" Yeah,"

I hear him moving some more. " Okay talk to me, how was your hangout with Sofia?"

" It was good, how was game night?"

" I lost 4 times to a seven-year-old, " he says which causes me to laugh. " No joke, he and Nona won so much, Iris quiet, "

I hear some more movements in the background, so I decide to ask. " What are you doing?"

" I'm making something to eat, " he replies.

" At 2 am,"

He laughs." Don't judge me, woman, "

He talked to me until I fall asleep.


I woke up to go pee and immediately got back in bed. I was one snooze away from a deep sleep when my phone rang. I groan and answer by looking at the caller id. " What,"

" That's no way to greet your godfather Amari,"

I sit up. " Uncle Bob, is that you?"

" Yes, my dear... Sorry for not calling my schedule has been quite packed, "

I smile." No, no it's okay I understand, you are a busy man, " I really love hearing from him.

" I'm in Washington for a few days, would like to meet up?"

" Yes please, " I grin.

" Okay dear, I'll talk to you soon, "

" Yeah, goodnight uncle, "

" It's 3 pm Amari, " he laughs

" Oh sorry, I forgot... Bye-bye now, "

" Bye, " with that he hangs up

Bob is in town!


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