Home, for them, was a small thatched cottage on the coast, with both a front and back garden, sage green shutters on the windows and stepping stones that lead up to the rickety wooden gate. Inside was cosy, exposed brick walls and huge bay windows with bookshelves bowing under the weight of all of Draco's novels and, as usual, Harry's clothing tossed all over the place.

The only attachment they kept to wizarding life, was the fireplace that they'd registered on the Floo Network and the only people that knew about their location was the Weasley's, who would visit every month or so. They were family, there was no way Harry and Draco were letting them go.

They had become so domesticated it was sickening, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Back in the kitchen, Draco sat himself down at the large oak table and dug out the warm croissants from the bag, placing one on a plate for Harry and one for himself. He brought the pastry to his lips, smelling the sweet scent and was about to bite down when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. A pair of boxers tossed over the chair back, left there from the night before.

"Harry, what have I told you about leaving your underwear all over the place?" Draco said, tossing the boxers at Harry's head.

"It's not my fault you keep initiating sex in every room of the house!"

"Well what am I supposed to do when I walk into the kitchen and you're cooking shirtless at the stove all steamy in the evening glow? You don't exactly make it subtle!"

"Draco, the other day I was out in the garden in an oversized fleece with wellies on and dirt on my cheek and you still dragged me indoors for a quickie."

"You're gorgeous all the time, I can't help it," he shrugged, his eyes already glowing with admiration, "Last night was incredible though," Draco smirked

"It was, though the table isn't exactly the comfiest thing we've done it on," he winced slightly, rubbing the small of his back. "I say from now on we stick to padded surfaces only."

"Well, we ought to get it out of our system now before Hermione and Ron visit next week, I'm sure Ron would be traumatised walking into the kitchen and seeing your balls on the table for breakfast."

"Charming!" Harry said, scrunching up his face as Draco burst out laughing. "I suppose we need to hide your erotic magazines as well."

"Don't act you like don't read them too, I know you sneak a look at them when I'm not around."

Harry sniggered into his tea and shook his head, "Anyway, we received a package this morning by owl, it arrived while you were out." He went to fetch it, and returned to the room carrying a small brown parcel, tied up with string. Draco looked at it in anticipation, carefully pulling at the string and folding back the paper. Inside the wrapping, was a small white organiser, the pages inside were classic parchment, held together with silver rings on the sides. It looked like the type of notebooks muggles used, he'd seen plenty of them at the library he used to work in.

As he flipped it over, shiny silver words were engraved on the front cover - wedding planner.

"It's an engagement present from Mr and Mrs Weasley, they left a little note inside the cover." Harry explained. Draco slipped the small piece of parchment from inside and looked down at the elegant writing.

Harry and Draco,

Congratulations! We are all absolutely thrilled to hear the wonderful news. Arthur found this lovely planner in a muggle stationary shop in London, we simply had to get it for you! We hope you find it useful.

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