if this isn't love

Start from the beginning

No wonder her head throbbed. She wasn't used to using her technique to that length.

Hina closed her eyes, remembering the jujutsu sorcerer's words—Nanami Kento's words...

On December 24th, I would recommend staying inside.

Worry. It was worry that she was feeling. Not for herself, not just for Kaito, Mayumi, Kana, Kikuchi, Shimizu, Imai, Fujiwara, or Akane and Fusae—she was scared.

She was scared for Gojo.

No, she told herself. You have no reason to be worried. He'll be fine.

Yes, he'll be fine, won't he?

She reached for her phone, typing in the password and clicking onto her messaging app. She scrolled down, until she found Gojo's name.

She clicked on it, viewing their texts. None of them were recent. They were more than a month old.

Should I? She clicked on the messaging box, her thumbs hovering over the keyboard. Just a simple 'how are you', or a 'hello', or a 'it's been a while', or 'why haven't you texted or called or visited me in a month,' or 'it's not my fault I said those things', or 'maybe I said too much' or 'I'm sorry'—

Please tell me that you're okay.

Hina left the app entirely without texting a single thing, tossing her phone to the side. She wondered if Nanami Kento would really tell Gojo what she said, or even could tell Gojo what she said... he did say he would, Hina remembered, recalling his words, meaning that he knew him personally.

That was a good thing.

Hina turned the lights off, throwing the blanket over herself. She shifted onto her side, letting her eyes trail to the white bedsheets. She mindlessly pinched a fold, remembering the feeling in her fingertips. The feeling of using so much force, so much emotion—it was stronger than anything she had ever done before.

And then she remembered these very fingers sinking into his jacket, his skin, searching for any emotion inside of him, her pulling away, him pulling her back, wrapping his fingers around her wrist, causing shivers to trail down her arm, Hina almost falling for the urge, the temptation, because she fell for him—

And she knew what he felt.

She didn't want to think about it. Hina closed her eyes, allowing sleep to consume her in a much, much calmer way than the curse did.


The cat purred into her palm.

"This little one's in good condition, other than malnutrition." The veterinarian explained. "Are you going to take him in?"

Hina blinked. "It's a male?"

"Yes." The lady replied, as if it should have been obvious. "Did you not check?"

"No, I..." Hina frowned, coughing an awkward chuckle. "You can do that?"

"Yeah." The veterinarian laughed, crossing her arms. "Well, you just have to check his... It's a male."

"Ah," Hina nodded slowly. "I see."

"I'm assuming you've never had a pet before?"

Hina laughed. "Never." She softly patted the cat's now-cleaned coat of fur, smiling. "So he isn't chipped?"

"No ma'am." The veterinarian answered quickly. "No chip, no identification... we can place him in an animal shelter, unless you want to adopt this little guy." The lady laughed when the cat purred affectionately into Hina's wrist.

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