a part of her past

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The sun had already set when Hina returned to her apartment.

The sky was dark. A deep blue that engulfed the air above Hina as she stepped out of the elevator onto her floor, the heels of her black ankle boots clicking on the cement as she walked. Her eyes moved up from her shoes, landing on an unexpected sight.

She halted in her tracks. It's been weeks since the last time she'd seen him.

It was Gojo, standing outside of her apartment. He was in his jujutsu uniform, a lavender black, with his white bandages wrapped around his eyes. His head turned, and Hina knew she met his gaze.

"Young master." Hina let out, confused, but strangely relieved. You're back.

She didn't say it.

She could tell that he was eyeing her up and down, even without saying anything. After a second, his lips spread into a grin, "Hina! I almost thought I wouldn't see you today."

Hina smiled gently, approaching him. "I apologize, I was out for most of the day."

Gojo hummed, ducking his head as a nod. Hina nodded back, rather awkwardly. Neither of them spoke for a few seconds, and Hina nervously fidgeted with her hands through the silence of it all.

She had to say something. "Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea, Young master? I have some sweets as well." Warmth spread throughout her chest as she saw his face light up. The heavy weight in her chest cowered, but refused to move.

When they were inside, Gojo took a seat by the low table, the same spot where he was the time she burned her hand, which didn't sting or hurt anymore. It tingled, but it wasn't a bother to Hina.

She lit the stove on, sighing. Forcing a smile, she turned around and eyed Gojo. He was observing the pictures on the wall again, and Hina couldn't help but wonder what made him look at them each time he came over. Perhaps it was amusement, which was the only conclusion Hina could come to.

"I bought chocolate cake yesterday." She spoke in a hushed voice. Gojo's head flickered to her, a grin eawakening on his lips.

His arms reached out so childishly he chided, "Gimme gimme!"

Oh, Hina thought for a split second. He's cute.

She immediately shoved the thought away, chuckling it off. "Okay, okay, okay." She pulled the fridge door open, taking out a small untouched box. Cautiously, she flipped the cover open, relieved to see the cake in one piece. She took out a small plate, then cut off a slice, placing it gingerly onto the plate.

"I hope it tastes good." She murmured, setting the plate down in front of Gojo along with a fork. He rubbed his hands together in excitement, and Hina had to hold back a laugh. He stuck the fork into his mouth, chewing on the cake. Hina was delighted to see him just beam at the taste, taking another bite of it.

He stuck a thumbs up, still chewing. "It's really good!"

I can see that. "I'm glad." She gave him a small, tiny smile.

He looked at her, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. "Are you gonna get a piece for yourself?"

Hina shook her head, and almost laughed again when Gojo brought his place closer to himself, the ceramic skidding on the wooden table, giving her a confrontational pout.

She shook her head again, fatigued amusement on her face. No, no—I'm fine. I'm just not hungry, that's all."

He twirled the fork in his fingers, his expression pensive as he observed her movements. Hina looked off to the side, unsure of what else to say or do. Her eyes occasionally flickered back to him, "Is there something on my face—"

the sun and the sky | gojo satoruWhere stories live. Discover now