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Not gonna keep you waiting anymore so enjoy!

Funnehs Pov:

I finished changing and hurried down stairs. When I got there I saw that everyone had blankets with them. Aly was already asleep on a one sitter couch while alec sat on a 2 sitter. Gold and Kyran where trying to find a good movie to watch on Minflix while sitting on a little blanket/pillow fort on the ground.

I sat next to Alec who was wrapped tightly in a blanket. He out his head on my shoulder not even second after I sat down. I decided why not to cuddle him some more and I put my hand on his head and played with his hair. Doing just that relaxed him a bit.

"Hmm how about a horror movie?" Gold suggests. I feel Alec snuggle up to me closer. Ya so what I look like a total tomato right now. Wouldn't be the first time.

Gold, after realizing it, quickly switches her suggestion. "Uhh actually how about Possible Players, (completely made that up) I heard its really good!"

"Sure." I say with a slight smile on my face after giving gold a death glare. (Hehe GoldenGlare.)

I lie back on the couch to get more comfy and Alec puts hut hands around my waist and cuddles me more. I chuckle at this.

"You sure do you cuddles, huh?" I say while placing my head on top of Alecs. He just hums in respond.

"Okay um gonna go get some snacks before I lose my appetite to the PDA happening on that couch." Kyran says and walks to the kitchen. All of as laugh at his outburst.

"I'll go help him." Gold says rolling her eyes.

"Have fun with you boyfriend."

"FUNNEH!" They both reply in union. I laugh at them.

Suddenly Alec grips me a little tight and I look at him. He looks up to me his eyes looked glassy.

"Would you like to tell me what's on your mind?" I say looking at him. Did I ever tell you how cute Alec is, I don't think I did. Well he is so cute! Off topic.

Alec nuzzeled into my neck a bit more and hid his face. "Cute..." Alec looks up at be with a perfect arranged shade of pink spread across his cheeks. "DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!" I yelled. I felt my face get hotter.

I heard a giggle that came from the fragile guy cuddling me. "Funneh....." I heard him say after a pause. "Yes Alec?" I reply sweetly looking into his red ruby eyes that are usually filled with sparks of either joy or annoyance.

"I-" He starts then clears his thought.

"The cops said that I couldn't take care of Aly on my own dice I'm aperantly not old enough." He says I just stare at him amd listen.

"They told us we have to find someone to take care of us or at least Aly. At this point I don't even know what to do, we don't have any relatives to go to-" He paused, his eyes were wide open. I just stared at him confused. He suddenly hugged me tighter as I pulled him into a hug. "I don't know anymore...I feel like I hit rock bottom and I'm sorry...." Alec said as he sniffild. I was shocked. "Why are you apologizing?!" I moved Alec from the hug and looked him in the eye. He didnt say anything to me just looked at his hands.




"Hehe sorry I thought you guys were about to makeout or something." He said then looked at Alec, which was just as surprised as I was.

"Kyran move it." I heard gold say then she shoved kyran a bit so she could walk through and put drinks on the table.

"Hey we uhh overheard your conversation." Gold said. I was baffled but then remembered how close the kitchen was to the living room. I grabbed Alecs hand and held it. )I don't know it felt like the moment.) "Alec?" Kyran said and looked at him. Alec looked up at Kyran. " Look I know your not on good terms and what not you don't like the guy I get it but Aly and him get along and-" " Dude where are you getting at." Alec said a bit annoyed at Kyrans ranting.

"Don't get mad at me.

"For what?"


"I can't promise that but I'll try not to I guess."

"Good enough. Well your dad's-"




"Damn." We and gold say in union.


"Oh rise and shine Aly. Sorry if these two buffons woke you up." I say smiling at her.

Alecs pov:

"What where you guys talking about." Aly said. My mind went to so many questions once again.

What if he is here.
How does Kyran even know that?
Should I trust him?
Don't trust him.
Do it for Aly.
Its your fault this happened anyway.

"DADS IN TOWN?!" ALEC DID YOU HEAR THAT???" Aly was staring at me wide eyed she was filled with pure joy, of course she was. Her and dad may not have had a bound as big as Aly's with mom but it was still pretty big.

"Ya....I got the news." I said as I switched my sight to Kyran amd his stupid smug looking face.

"Well Alec...." Kyran starts. I look around at the girls. They were both confused. Well Gold was more confused then funneh but still.

"I- okay....." I say looking at my feet. For Aly.

"Aly you still have dads number right?" I say looking at her. "Ya?"

"Okay can you call him for me?" I say. "Why can't you call him?" Alyssa replies. "I blocked him. Now please call your father." I say cringing at the last part. "Ya whatever." She says and gsrs her phone out. We start to hear ringing. After a few minutes he picks up. "Hey there princess! Never thought I'd get a call from you. How are ya doing?" We all hear from the other end. Just hearing his voice makes my shiver. I hate this man with all I have.

"Hi dad! If I'm gonna be honest I'm not doing so great." She said getting a bit quiet at the end. "Aw, why's that Aly?" He says in a voice that was supposedly to be sweet or something.

"Mom-" Aly started then cut her self off. "Oh... Ya I heard the news. Thats actually why I'm here in town now! That guy with my red hair genetics isn't old enough to take care of you yet, right? So I'm here now. I got a house near your school you just gotta tell me when I come pick you up." This is really happening.

"Oh! Well thats convenient." She said. "Okay then I'll tell Alec the news, Bye!"

"Mhm yes sure that kid can come to I guess. Bye!"

"He really hates you dude." Kyran said once Aly hung up.

"No he doesn't. I'm just the favorite." Aly said tauntingly at the end.

"Yup..." I said as I lend back to put my head on Funnehs shoulder again. Just being near her gives me comfort but cuddling in something else.


Where gonna end it there. I'm prob not gonna make this something like dates which will mlst likly discontinued.

I hole you liked this regardless. Sorry its sloppy and it took this long to come out. Next thing I'm gonna write is prob gonna be a fluff even though I'm amd angst type of girl. I me na who doesn't like variety though!

Have a great day/evening/night!!

Currently 3:40am for me.

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