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OKAY hear me out.
I had an idea to were there is a casualty. Here's how this story took place though just to give you a heads up.

Ahem Ahem.(Narrator voice coming in.)

Alec was asked to do a job for yandere like most times. Though he failed to complete this task, there for putting the illegal group at risk of being caught. Not only that making Yandere pissed at him its that he has been doing this a lot recently. Both on purpose and not.

He's not deleting the camera footage all the way, left some tracks, almost got Celeste and Elijah caught, ect.

Why yandere didnt kill him before? She has her reasons. But she did do something that will break the mental state of that one very person for a while. Might even put him in a rough situation.

What did she do and what was the outcome of it? You'll just have to keep on reading to find out.

Warning: Angst, and umm sad. Ya...sad. OH! Also some mentions of gore hehe.

This story also starts with Alec in his room at home. His mom is in her room while Aly went out with some friends a few hours back.



Alecs Pov:

I knew this was a bad idea. Its only a matter of time until they kill me cold blooded. I was sitting on my bed with my hands on my head.

I feel so paranoid right now.


WHAT WAS THAT. I thought jumping off my bed. The noise came from my moms room.


SHIT!! I run towards her room not ready for what I see next.

My mom bleeding everywhere while a knife goes near her neck, just barley piercing it.

I freeze.

I look up at the person. Its her, of course its her! IM SO DUMB I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT. My heart started pounding as if it was gonna just jump out of me.

"Well well, well. Look who we have here. Alec. Care to watch me kill your mother. I mean if you even stay around to see her lifeless body fall to the floor." The woman said getting a bit cocky at the end.

"Y- yandere..." I manage to get out. I couldn't move.

"A- Al- Alec." My mother says as more blood drips from her. I need to move. I made a promise.

"Oh, shut up." Yandere said putting the knife closer to her neck.

After one shattered scream Yandere was gone.

My moms body was lifeless on the floor. Her head rolled up to my feet.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to sob my entire existence away. I was supposed to protect her. I couldn't do anything. I DIDN'T do anything.

I hear the door open down stairs. I walk down stairs as calm as I possibly can.

"ALEC?! Are you okay? Theres blood on you face!" My little sister said running up to me touching my face. I stared at her.

"Aly, do me a favor and call the police." I said smiling at her. Trying to keep her from freaking out to the point she can't call the police.

"What? Why?" She said staring at me worriedly.

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