Chapter Twelve: Shameless Interception

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Mikal Parker

The moment I'm in Joshua's presence, I'm sending him the dirtiest looks I can muster. He chuckles at me, ignoring just how pissed off I am. If he really knew how upset I was, he wouldn't be laughing. God----I hated him for interrupting the sexiest make-out session in my life. Rayn's lips were so fucking kissable. And her body, fuck. I wanted her, and I could feel how much she wanted me to. Rayn fucking Bradshaw wanted me. Something about that made me feel like a king. It swelled my ego to know how responsive she was to me. 

Things were electrifying between us. A push and pull sort of attraction-- I was slowly becoming addicted to the feeling. Things were never dull. Those brown eyes shifted between hatred and desire. They could glare missiles into my head or pleas to be fucked. It was like a game I wanted to keep playing with her.

"What? No smile for your best friend?" Joshua asked, giggling like a fool. He was changing into his gear; his text was a message from Coach. Apparently, we were pulled out of our last periods for an early practice. Coach was traveling for some business, and our assistant coaches were busy scouting new talent in the middle schools to cover for him. It was like the universe wanted Rayn far away from me. 

"Shut the fuck up," I grumbled, ignoring the playful smirk on his face. 

"Parker, what's wrong? Only Happy when it Rayns?" Joshua asked teasingly. He was obsessed with these stupid puns involving Rayn's name. I glared at him. 

Joshua didn't really know much about the arrangement involving Rayn and me. He just knew I had a thing for her. Joshua always knew. He was there when Rayn, Lenny, and I were a trio. Josh was there when I split from the group. He witnessed how hot and cold Rayn and I were to each other. Often times he questioned it but never probed further than I would discuss. To Joshua, Rayn was my kryptonite. My weakness. My biggest downfall. 

But he was wrong. Rayn was none of that. In fact, at this moment, she was the opposite. Having Rayn Bradshaw cling to me while panting from my touch had me energized. I didn't know what Coach had planned for us, but I knew I could do it, probably a million times. It was the eagerness to see her driving me. 

The locker room door swung open, alerting everyone's attention to the door. The chaos of the room settled into silence once Jaime stepped in. Things were still tense between us. Not that I'd thought of him or Celeste in the past few days. My mind was clouded with thoughts of Rayn. Kissing her, wanting to please her, and touching her helped me forget all about Jamie and Celeste's betrayal. Yet, seeing him walk towards his locker nonchalantly set a fire inside me. 

Joshua patted me on the shoulder, whispering, "Forget about him. He's not worth it." I nodded, agreeing with him. He wasn't a friend. I didn't need to revere him with any respect or attention he didn't deserve. I turned to my locker and got dressed before Coach appeared. 

"That's not what I want! Do it again! Parker, watch out for Lawson. He's a bit slow getting to the line!" Coach James barked. We were running a new play Coach wanted to try in our game against Trevdale. They, much like Devenport, were known for producing excellent athletes. They were well funded, not as much as Devenport, but sufficiently to make a mark in the region with their stats and skills. They were by far our biggest competition. 

I placed my hands on my akimbo, trying to visualize what Coach expected of me. I could feel the sweat sticking to my skin and the heat oozing from my body. I was in my zone. Letting Coach down wasn't an option. I could see the movements play smoothly in my head. 

"Get moving, Parker!" Coach James screeched. I nodded before jogging into place; I moved in sync with the image in my mind. My legs were moving swiftly, my body finding the right angle, and my arms eager to throw the ball. Everything was fluid and in perfect motion. As I aimed to release, a sharp pain met my sides as a body crashed into me. I tumbled to the ground, losing the ability to exhale for a moment. 

The ball was still barely in my hands. I sat up, glancing at the person who tackled me. Pulling off his helmet, Jaime scowled at me. I felt a surge of anger coarse through me. 

"What the fuck was that?" I snapped, jumping up from the floor. I ignored the dull ache from my side. 

"A tackle, dumbass," Jaime snorted. My face hardened at his tone. 

"I know what it is. Why did you intercept my play if we're on the same practice team, asshole?" I asked, trying to reign in my anger. Jaime scoffed, almost chuckling at my response. 

"What's your problem?" I asked, realizing Jaime's tackle was personal. Jaime got up and wasted no time shoving me.

"You're my fucking problem!" Jaime answered. He tried to come at me, but I pushed away his attempts. He was smaller than I was, but his shoves were strong enough to shove me back a little. 

"Me? What have I done to you, huh? You backstabbed me, Jaime! Not the other way around." I fumed, shoving against him with my shoulders. Jaime pressed me back, clenching his fist. He was ready to fight; I was just as eager to leave my knuckle imprints on his goofy-ass face.

"Stop fucking with Lessy. You're sending her mixed signals. Stay away from my girl, Parker," Jaime warned. The rest of the team became aware of our argument. I could hear Joshua telling me to walk away, but I couldn't. Not when this loser was attacking me for something I didn't even do. 

"I haven't talked to your girl since I saw her riding your dick. I don't want anyone that fucked with you!" I huffed. I wanted to rub in this face that Celeste was messaging me every day, apologizing and asking to talk in private. I never responded to any of her messages. She made her choice. I wasn't going to cry over no girl who cheated on me with someone I considered a friend and teammate. 

"You don't deserve her!" Jaime shouted, upset over my comments. I laughed. I didn't deserve her? Was he deranged? Me? 

"Whatever, man. Do what you want with Celeste. Fuck you and fuck her. You're a match made in fucking heaven!" I replied, laughing. Jaime lunged forward, but Coach stepped up in time to pull him back. 

"Parker! Give me ten laps. Sawyer, come with me!" Coach James bellowed. I pinned my mouth, holding back the compliant I wanted to express. But complaints were easy ways of getting a target on your back with Coach. He didn't hesitate to triple your punishment. Despite how unfair I felt the discipline was, I wasn't going to voice that to Coach. 

I inhaled before taking off for a quick jog around the field. The anger rolled through me; I knew this was only the beginning. Coach was going to call my dad. The Great Hayden Parker was going to lecture me about being hot-tempered and how it's a bad habit on the field. Blah, blah, blah.

I felt the frown sink into my face. The tension was building up in me. 

I needed Rayn. I would need her more than anything tonight. I made a mental note to message her after practice. Rayn Bradshaw is my drug, and right now, I need her more than ever.

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