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"Come on, Les," Davey called to his little brother as they exited Jacobi's. "The folks are waiting."

Cora smiled as she watched the older boy take the smaller boy's hand and ran off down the darkened street with him. Such a simple little gesture made her face grow warm for a reason she couldn't explain. But, as she watched him fade into the background of the night, she turned her attention back to her friend and aspiring reporter, Katherine, who was hanging around as she watched the final two newsies exit the deli.

Jack, or so Cora believed his name to be, and the girl – Lydia, though the other newsies seemed to address her as Scar for some reason – walked out onto the street shoulder-to-shoulder before Scar stopped to look up at the sky. Cora noted that the moon was full that night, so perhaps she was admiring the moon. Her eyes, however, were also able to pick up on how Jack looked at her – like a boy in love.

Katherine, who usually had a lot of sense but had seemed to lose all of it that particular day, interrupted the moment by stepping forward and asking, "So, what are your stories?" she questioned. "Are you selling newspapers to work your way through art school?" In her hand, she outstretched the piece of newsprint Jack had left in the private box the night before, the one that had the sketch of Scar on it. She directed her next question to Scar herself. "And you? Are you selling newspapers and performing at the theater for extra money?"

"No," Scar answered quickly, fixing her hair over the right side of her face. "Medda's was a one-time thing. Doubt it'll ever happen again."

"Do you want it to?" Katherine inquired.

Scar scratched her left cheek with a shrug. "Not really."

"Art school?" Jack asked, huffing slightly at the question. "Are you kiddin' me?"

Katherine's face dropped slightly, but she held on, holding the newsprint out. "But you're an artist. You've got real talent," she pressed. Scar's eyes drifted to the paper, her mouth dropping slightly at the drawing off her amongst the typewritten words. The drawing really did do Scar every justice, even if Jack wouldn't think so. It was drawn by a person who truly loved the muse he had found, and Cora couldn't tell if the two were actually courting in some odd way, or just pining from a distance. "You should be inside the paper illustrating, not outside hawking it."

"Maybe that ain't what I want," Jack told her harshly.

"So tell me what you want," Katherine suggested.

Cora observed Jack carefully, watching as his eyes drifted from Katherine over to Scar, obliviously folding her arms over her chest, her gaze still above, at the night sky, a perfect, still navy blue, and the glimmering gold stars painted on the backdrop, with the silvery moon taking center stage, glowing beautifully from a distance.

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