An Unexpected Proposal

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'Oh Jesus' they both laughed and kissed again.
Walking back to what was left of the compound Y/N heard a scream of excitement and she turned to see Yelena running towards her.

'I can't thank you enough, even though getting us back was the plan, I would of came back finding out about Natasha's death, it would of destroyed me. But you brought her back and for that I am eternally grateful' she cries and holds Y/N a little bit longer and Loki smiles at her with nothing but admiration.

Later in the evening a party was being held in honor of Y/N , Loki left earlier to collect something and promised to be back as soon as he could. Everyone kept hugging her or thanking her, it felt surreal. She noticed Tony watching and smiling at her from afar, he rose his drink and she gave a slight nod. They were all back together, one happy, crazy family.

In her room she was looking through dresses, the party begins in half an hour the hair and makeup was done but just the dress and shoes were missing. A green glow appeared and Loki appeared excited to show her his surprise.

'I thought it to be perfect, you did look great in it after all' he presented her the dress she wore on the night that got her banished, she took it from him and quickly slipped into the dress smoothing down the wrinkles.

'It is perfect, and I finally get to wear it properly and enjoy the party' she then grabs a pair of black heels and holds her hand in the air

'Voila! How do I look?' she did a spin and Loki took her hand and spun her around again and she landed in his arms

'How long till the party?' he looked at her with lustful eyes and Y/N smirked 

'We have half an hour, should be enough time for you' she pushes him and laughs, gasping he playfully looked shocked

'Ouch, I will let you pay for that' he growled and grabbed her, letting out a shriek she is thrown onto the bed.

'So where is the main attraction?' Clint quipped kissing Natasha on the head

'It is Y/N and Loki, never expect them to arrive on time unless it is for their advantage' Thor boomed and the rest nodded in agreement and laughed. The door then opened and they walked in arms looped together, Loki then took her hand and pushed her more in front - after all this was her party. The room exploded into claps and cheers, Clint and Scott whooping and a few party poppers went off frightening Bruce. Holding up her hand she smiled and placed her finger on her lips, Tony let out a sexy growl making Y/N shake her head laughing.

'Thank you so much for this party, but we are all winners in this, a huge thank you as well to Natasha who also sacrificed her life - without you we would of never been able to get the Soul stone and bring everyone back' another cheer and clapping erupted in the room and Natasha blushed.

'Sorry to interrupt kid but our special guests just arrived, they been waiting to see you' Tony pointed to the corner of the room where a light white glow with gold sparkles formed a shape of two familiar people.

'Odin? Frigga?' Y/N rushed to greet them and they all hugged while Frigga wiped a tear away

'We could not miss this, plus Thor mentioned that Mr.Stark throws good parties' Odin winks to Tony who was very flattered. Frigga then pushed in front of Odin much to his amusement.

'Darling, we also wanted to present you with a gift, we know you and Loki are engaged and we cannot wait to plan this wonderful wedding by the way and normally we would wait for the wedding for such a gift but we thought this would be a perfect representation of us fully accepting you into our family like we should of done all them many years ago' using her magic she presents a tall but small box and turns it to Odin so he can open it. Opening it slowly she could see a red velvet pillow and then a crown sat on top of it. Opening her mouth she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Loki even let out a gasp and got teary, he knew this was his parents way of telling her she was family and that their wedding proposal was accepted. The tiara was black with green gems , the back band was again serpent like and some Norse script.

'We tailored it to your liking ' she beamed, holding the box now to Y/N so she could look and admire it.

'Y/N in a tiara I would pay a lot of money to see this 'Clint interrupted 

'Nat?' Y/N called , Natasha slapped Clint on the back of the head.

'I am honored that you think I am fit worthy of this tiara, Loki is also not next descendent to the throne so this is more of a symbol right?' Y/n traces her finger around the edges of the Tiara.

'Actually' Odin looks at Thor who then walks towards Y/N and stops next to her placing his arm around her.

'I rejected the ceremony, I need to do uh, what Natasha called soul searching. I realized I am not ready for the throne so decided to travel around' Thor winks at her

'Huh, but surely this is also not what the people want?' Confused she looks at Loki and slightly shrugs her shoulders as if to say what the fuck. Smiling he looks down knowing her exact thoughts.

'My darling daughter, the people want you. After the fight in Hela and knowing what you have recently done on Midgard they are more then eager to have you as their Queen and Loki as King. It will only happen once you are both ready' Odin then closes the chest.

'Please, live your lives for now and enjoy it' Frigga then makes the box disappear.

'We will have a talk later and decide then if that is ok with you both?' Y/N glances at Loki for approval and he nods in agreement, this was a lot to digest, her a queen? Never in a million years did she think that this was an actual possibility. Music begins to play and Tony raises his glass in the air.

'To us, to the future and to the future King and Queen of Asgard' they all raise their glasses and cheer.

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