The Battle

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Y/N got dropped to the city by Tony and he flew to get an eye on everyone and help where it was needed.
Dark elves began to creep out into the streets, some threw daggers and the screeching was heard from all around.
Y/N concentrated on her body, the chaos around her began to thrive and she felt the lust to fight.
A dark elf came running up to her and she flicked a throwing dagger and hit him between the eyes. The rest of the elves screamed and ran towards her.

'Game on bastards' she smirked

She kicked an elf to the floor and punched another who fell on top of the body pile, she then stepped on his back and jumped in the air, using her feet she pushed against the wall and back flipped while throwing a few knives while soaring. As she landed on the floor so did a few dead elves.

'Holy shit doll' Bucky grinned

She then picked up a corpse using her magic and threw it at a group of elves running after Bucky.

'Thanks, I owe you one' he winks then runs back off, She was alone again and she heard a familiar cackle.

'Ah wrinkles, let us finish this' she gently brushes her dagger across her face and stares at the elf waiting for him to make the first move.

The Dark elf leader, tried clawing at her like a savage animal. Using her daggers she reflected all but one in which it sliced her arm. It gave her a flashback memory of her and Loki fighting not so long ago. His voice in her head


Power surged through her as she released any self doubt she had.
She started attacking with her daggers and they got caught in his claws, they struggled and the daggers were caught in his nails and he threw them in the air and landed behind him, he tried biting her face. she pushed him back and stumbled slightly, the elf leader stopped and laughed.

'Your father was in a similar situation too, though he died much easier. I took this trinket off his dying corpse' she saw the amulet her father would always wear.

'Always stay focused' a grin slowly spread across Y/N face and she swiped up with the palms of her hands then hit her left fist into her chest.
Her daggers rose in the air and sped towards the dark elf. The daggers hit his back and Y/N pulled her other arm in as if pulling. The dagger started to go deeper and deeper into his back.
The dark elf screamed and writhed in agony.

'I will be taking that' she casually walks up and pulls the amulet out of his hands and turns around to walk off, pulling her arm all the way in clenching her fist,the daggers ripped through his body and the daggers soared and travelled at a fast speed heading towards Y/N,she then grabs the daggers whilst walking towards Steve,she had both daggers in her hands again and began to wipe them clean on her leather trousers.

'Holy shit Y/N' Steve stood complexed.

'Y/N!!! Loki needs you now! I will help Thor' Tony flew off again.

Thor landed a few punches into Fenrir and Tony shot missiles into the wolf. Yelping Fenrir grabbed a few soldiers and threw them for miles. Hulk appeared running through the Bifrost

'Glad you could make it' Thor yells

Fenrir was galloping towards Heimdal and opened his mouth to bite him in half until Fenrir got yanked back and dragged

'Yeeeeees' roared Thor

Hulk dragged Fenrir back and started to pivot and began to pick up momentum. Screaming the Hulk started to get Fenrir off the floor spinning him in the air. The Wolf growled and all you could see was a white blur. Hulk released his tail and the mighty wolf crashed far away into a mountain, yelping he attempted to get up but Thor summoned his lightening and attuned the hammer Mjolner to its power and slammed Fenrir.
Once defeated Thor left to return to his brother Loki who was beaten badly, throwing his Mjolner Hela caught it and crushed it to dust.

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