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Arriving back at the compound Y/N heads to her room, for a second she expects Natasha to run to her for hugs and Wanda to cook up some pancakes, then her heart hurts when she realizes what reality she currently has. Teleporting to her room she takes off the cloak and puts her daggers on the dressing table. Looking in the mirror her eye make up has run and she looked like a panda with her black eyes. Puffy and snotty she crawled into bed and pulled the blanket over her and wept until she fell asleep with exhaustion.
Steve wanted so badly to go comfort her but Tony strongly advised against it, at least for now. Feeling guilty that he possibly broke them up he went to the gym to work out and clear his head.

At Asgard Thor visited his brother who was not seen now for a few days, knocking on his chambers door there was silence, opening he peeked round the door to see a book being hurled at his head.

'I did not say come in brother!'

Taking a look around the room he saw destruction, pages laying around and daggers thrown around some in the wall or a painting.

'Brother, We did not expect you to react like this. Surely you would of wanted her to be happy if you died'

There was silence, Loki couldn't really disagree with that, he always wanted Y/N to be happy, especially after such a life she has had.

' Even mother was happy she found someone to make her feel better. You should of seen her, thin, gaunt and exhaustion was etched in her face, when you died she was a shell of herself and mother worried so much, said she was to die soon if nothing changed, she even suggested going back to earth. Y/N visited you at least once a month, she would sit and chat to you'

Looking at Loki , Thor noticed the engagement ring on the night stand, he was sad that after everything she did for him he was blind and selfish. There was a deafening silence and Loki was still staring outside.

'I will be leaving for earth, a powerful Titan will be arriving soon, Heimdall warned me that his arrival is sooner then we think. This man wiped out half of the universe with a click of his fingers. I am also bringing the Valkyrie army with me, goodbye brother I hope you choose the right path for yourself'

Thor sighed and left the room, heading to report to his father and to gather the troops.

After a few days cooped up in her room Y/N got up and put on some gym clothes, walking through the corridor past the bedrooms of the other avengers she slowed and looked at each one. Getting upset about the missing Avengers she suddenly felt motivated again. They should be home, they should be here. Starting to get angry she knew Thanos should be here soon, news has traveled about Loki and the Queen of Chaos with her Soul stone.
Sat on Wanda's bed she began to meditate and train her powers, she did this often since the snap, made her feel like she was training with her, like usual.
Twenty minutes passed and she felt a presence near by and she opened one eye. Steve was leaning in the door way admiring her, she closed her eye again and practiced the control of her powers. She was at peace ,felt calm then took a deep breath in and then out, opened her eyes and got up.


'Hey' he smiled

'Good to see your up and about, was starting to become worried but Tony thought it was not a good idea to be around you now'

'Come with me, I need a sparring partner' she walked passed him and headed to the gym, confused but obedient he followed her.

'Right, give me your best' Y/N stood in front of Steve in the boxing ring.
He punches left and she side steps, he punches right and she moves her head and dodges it. Swiftly she punches him in the side of the face, startled he clutched his face

'Damn Y/N'

'I said give me your best, that was piss poor and you know it' she then puts her left foot forward and holds one fist by her face and the other in front ready to jab.
Steve then lunges to punch and she dodges it, punches him in the stomach and he folds letting out a gasp of air. Steve puts Y/N in a choke hold and she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him over her head and slams him to the floor. Steve then grabs her and flips her to the floor knocking some air out of her body, using her powers she levitates herself up to her feet.

'Hey, no powers' Steve breathed

'No super soldier serum'

'Touché' he lies back on the floor and then gets back up.

The doors opened, in came Thor almost running to Y/N with his arms wide open, giving her a hug so tight it clicked her spine.

'Uh, hey Sparkles' she patted his back

'I am so sorry for my idiotic brother, he is too blind with jealousy to see what is slipping through his fingers' Thor noticed Steve who looked a bit beaten up.
'Are you fighting too?!' Thor hugs Y/N again, laughing Y/N pushed Thor off

'Sparring, well I got a bit too serious, sorry Steve' Y/N covers her laugh with her hand, then realizes why Thor was here. ' His arrival is imminent isn't it, Did Heimdall warn you?' Y/N clutched her tunic pocket where the stones hid inside the amulet.

'Yes sister, he is very close but I alerted the Valkyrie army to help us fight him and the army he possesses'

'Thank you Brother' she smiled and looked at Steve 'Ooh come, let's get some ice for your face' she wrinkled her nose not realizing how hard she punched.

'Wait, what?' Steve looks around for a mirror

'Don't worry pretty boy, your fine' Y/N winks.

The group was in the kitchen, they ordered shwarma for takeout. Tony and Bruce made a science joke and were laughing about it. Thor kept looking over at Y/N like a protective big brother.

'Is it me or is the ground slightly trembling' Y/N stopped eating and leaned forward to feel the floor.
At that moment explosions sounded outside the compound, within seconds Y/N teleported outside to see a giant spaceship heading towards them. The same spaceship they saw in Wakanda when Thanos arrived.

'Tony!!!' Y/N screamed

A missile shot out of the space ship and landed near the compound. Y/N concentrated her powers and teleported back into the kitchen.

'Everyone here?!' Looking around she noticed they were still half sat, Tony was almost at the door to exit.

'SIT!!' Y/n yelled, he continued to walk but using her powers she pulled him back to the table

'What the fuck' Tony shouted

Using her powers she made a shield around them, telling them what she just saw. Tony activated their defense system via J.A.R.V.I.S and called for his Mark 85 suit. Less then a minute his suit arrived and Tony suited up into Ironman.


The building shook tremendously, the compound has taken a hit. While Tony was trying to defend, Steve begged Y/N to let him get his suit and shield. Stormbreaker was already by Thor's side.

'Y/N I am not Hawkeye without my bow and arrow' Clint begged

'Fine, but we walk as a group I can't separate my shields' Y/N got up and walked to the door
'MOVE' she shouted

'This kind of stuff I like in the bedroom not in the kitchen' joked Tony and got pushed by Y/N
'I knew you liked it rough' he grinned.

'Clint first he has the closest room' she yelled


'That sounded by the gym' Steve cried out

'Your next door Steve, go I'll be in the corridor holding up our protection radius'

Steve runs into his room to get ready and prepare, another explosion was so close the debris hits against her protection barrier.

'Hurry up guys!' Y/N looked behind her and there was a huge hole in the ceiling and she could see the kitchen where they were sat only minutes ago.
They were all ready and suddenly the firing stopped, Thor went to collect the Valkyrie warriors and Y/N headed with the group outside, the compound was now a safety risk of collapsing.

'Y/N!' A familiar voice boomed, her skin was covered in goosebumps and the rage began to flow through her body.

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