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Y/N parks the car in her garage and grabs the tarp,she hears Loki clearing his throat rather loudly.

'Uhm, I'm still trapped in this thing and the Avengers were right you do drive like a lunatic' Loki points to the seat belt.

Rolling her eyes she helps him and proceeds to pull the tarp over the car, heading upstairs she grabs her work phone and notices she has 1 message.

*Money deposited*

It was too risky now to walk through the city to collect it. Perhaps if she was ever to come back she has an emergency stash ready waiting.

Y/N proceeds to reply

* I am compromised, services terminated. Destroying phone so will not reply*

She proceeds to take the SIM card out and cut it into tiny pieces. Hesitating she lights the pieces on fire in the sink. Loki raised his eyebrows in amusement.

'Can't be too careful' she shrugs

With her powers she then crushes the phone into powder.

'Right' she grabs her knives and stops at one and holds it in the air.
'You will need one too' she throws it at Loki, who then caught it without looking.

'Ooh, still got it then..' she saw Loki coming to her with the knife and she takes her concealed daggers out and counteracts his punch. She then punches with her other hand and Loki deflects. They start swiping at each other with the daggers and they dodge each swipe. Grinning Loki then cuts her arm.

'You cut me?!' She shrieked

'Your not focusing' he replied

It was true, she was thinking about the Avengers and poor Steve - he didn't deserve this.
Loki came in again with his dagger and she stepped back and kicked him in the torso and ducked to trip him up with her leg. Loki stumbles and falls to the floor smiling.
The dagger from Y/N now at his throat, he was about to retaliate when they heard noises outside, Y/N puts her daggers back into her sleeves and carefully looks out of the window.
She saw a red blip and it was scanning the area.

'Shit, Tony' Y/N closes her curtains and helps Loki up who is now sat on the floor,

'Not bad Y/N but we need to train more and get that focus back' Y/N places her hand on his mouth.

'Shh, do you trust me'

Confused he slowly nods.

'I absorbed the space stone back at Stark tower via the scepter. Bruce told me what it does. Let us go back home!' Y/N closes her eyes and concentrated on their secret garden.

'Do you know what your doing? Thor can still find us and if Odin finds out.'

'Right now Thor and the Avengers are outside, I just seen Tony. They will find us here,plus Thor thinks I cant get into Asgard due to banishment. After a while i'm sure they will remember I have the space travelling stone but by then we have found somewhere else to hide'

'God I forgot you were also smart not just beautiful' Loki looked at her with pride and seen her blush ever so slightly.

The thrust noises from the Iron man suit was getting stronger and Loki placed his hand on the back of her head and they kissed. Closing her eyes and feeling her power rise again she thought of Asgard and the memories. Their first kiss bringing her back to the tree with almost gold like bark with carvings of their initials, where they laid in the summer breeze laughing at their next prank.
Suddenly the air around them went thin and it was rather cold, concentrating only on the tree she kept her eyes closed. Loki was holding her hands and she felt warmth and noises of swaying leaves. Loki gave a gentle squeeze of her hands and she opened to find the tree in blossom and a dragon fly buzzing past.

'You did it my love' Loki then blushes realising what he said.

She did it, they were in their secret garden. She was home and has never felt better., felt whole again.

'I did! I..wait what did you just say' Y/N's heart skipped a beat, Loki pushed her to the floor playfully,

'You did it' he cuts off and looks up at the tree, Y/N lept up and hung on the back of his neck.

'No, It sounded like something else' her heart now beats fast and Loki grabs her and swings her round and they are face to face.

'I have missed you so much, I thought my life was going to be an eternal darkness. Part of me died and my lust for life was non existent.' He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. Y/N leans in and gently kisses his lips.

'I love you too'

Loki lifts her up and hugs her,finally together again.

'You know, we never really told each other about our feelings' Y/N twirls her finger around one of his loose curls.

'Well we were young and never knew what love was, only until the last moments we were together did we finally realise what we had' Loki kisses her forehead.

'So, we need to find a place to lay low, just in case Thor comes looking. Sadly he knows this place' Y/N closed her eyes trying to think of a place where they could hide from the rest of the world.

'I know just the place and with a little help with these *wiggles his fingers that sparks magic* we can hide from everyone' Loki holds her hands and a green glow embraces them. Loki looked different and made Y/N jump

'Who the hell are you?!' She grappled Loki and pinned him to the floor. The man started laughing.

'My love, it is me but in disguise. You also have a different appearance. This way we can go into the street and no one will notice us. We do however need to get you in Asgardian attire,although you look fantastic, skin tight clothes are not fashionable here if you remember'

Getting up they loop arms and walk off towards the city. Loki places his cloak over her till they were able to get her clothes.
The smells were familiar but yet different, she heard the odd horse and laughter of children. Was very different to hotdog smells and the sirens of police every now and then in NYC.

Walking up through a cobble street she could see a little garden with an old bench. Next to the bench stood a tree with a swing,memories came flooding back, her and Loki would push each other or her parents would push them. A flash back entered her mind of her mother standing by the front door waving as they headed off to school.

'Loki' her voice began to tremble

Loki took a key out of his pocket and placed it into her hand, he then gestures to the small gate and smiles.

'How did you, its still here?!' Y/N sobs in disbelief.

' I tried the best I could to keep it clean and fixed an odd leak here and there. Sadly I have also been absent for a year or so and that garden definitely needs tending to'
With a flick of his wrist the garden looked just as it used to ,opening the front door all the smells and memories came flooding back. Expecting her mam to greet her from the kitchen, Loki puts his hand on her shoulder and then walks outside to let her have a moment.

Everything was left just as she remembered, even a few of her fathers items where scattered here and there. Loki walked back inside and began taking the huge cloth tarps from the furniture and opened the curtains.

'I have just cast a strong illusion spell on this house, so to others it will look abandoned and empty'

Y/N felt so lucky to have met him again. This was the most romantic gesture anyone has done for her. Taking Loki by the hand she walked through the house with him sharing memories of her and her parents in the house she grew up in.

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