04┆The Intruder

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y/n walks down the stairs of the Owl House as she noticed it was starting to rain. "Heads up guys. Looks like it's gonna rain."

Luz gasps at her words. "I love the rain."

"Hey, wait!" King calls out and y/n's eyes widen and she chases after Luz.

Luz opens the door, exhaling. "I always love feeling the first few drops in my hair." She kneels down to talk to a flower. "I bet you do too, little buddy." A water drop drops down to the flower, making it wither and die immediately. "What?"

Eda runs to the house. "Boiling rain! Everybody inside now!"

"Huh?" Luz yelps. y/n grabs her arm and drags her inside as Eda got King. Objects start to crash and clatter.

"Phew! That was close. But the important thing is you didn't get hurt."

Luz, lying painfully, replies. "Yep." She groans as a cup falls on her head. "Not hurt."

"Sorry, Luz." y/n goes over to her and grabs her hand, lifting her out of the uncomfortable position. Luz blushes as she looks at y/n's hand in hers and quickly drops it to rub the back of her neck.

Sitting outside of the Owl House, King is putting a bandage on a burn on Luz's arm. He puts another bandage on his snout.

"Look, now we're boo‐boo buddies."
Luz squeals, then falls over. "Oh, my gosh, I love you so much." She looks at Eda and y/n, who were working together to create a spell under a force field. "A boiling rainstorm on the Boiling Isles. The weather here is so fun."

"Yeah, we don't have weather. We have plagues, gorenados, shale hail, painbows." Eda lists.

"It's like a rainbow but looking at it turns you inside out." Luz pulls the drawstrings of her hoodie closed.

Eda continues talking. "So, until the boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight."

"And if the rain doesn't get you, the Snaggleback will." He opens a book, showing Snaggleback images. "They wander the rain, feeding on boiled tourists."

"Well, whatever the case, this force field spell should protect the house from boiling rains and made‐up demons."

"Hoot! Well, hurry it up with that force field. That rain is getting closer to my precious stucco." Chirps out Hooty.

"Yeah, yeah, we got it." She and y/n uses their staffs to grab the light ball and stamps the staffs down to the ground. A round orange force field engulfs the house, then shrinks to shape closely around it. Eda wraps her arm around her daughters shoulder and begins walking toward the house.

"Wow! Someday I'd like to be as cool as Eda the Owl Lady and Little Witchlet. Magical, sassy, Eda being surprisingly foxy for her age. Hey, why do they call you the Owl Lady, anyway? And why is y/n Little Witchlet?" Questions Luz.

"'Cause I'm so wise."

"'Cause she coughs up rat bones."

"I think it's 'cause she gets distracted by shiny objects."

"No, I don't." Eda denies. King takes out a pen. He clicks it, and the diamond on top of it glows.

Eda, delightedly says. "It sparkles and shimmers. It shines and delights. I must have it for my nest..." She lunges for the pen, but King puts it behind his back and she crashes on the ground.

Luz stared at her. "You have a nest? I want a nest! Nest party!" She helps Eda up.

"Ugh. That force field really took it out of me."

"Uh‐oh. Moving a little slow. Age finally catching up to ya?" He screams as Eda hoods his head with the hat. "Darkness!"

Eda enters the house. "This is perfect. Since we'll be stuck in the house all night, Eda won't have any excuse not to teach me a spell." She goes to follow Eda but stops when she remembered what she asked y/n.

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