Chapter 8

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when i said i wouldn't make too many major changes, i lied lmao.. if you haven't read the story after the 2/22/23 update, i suggest u do <3

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As you sit at your desk, you glance out the window to see the full moon shining brightly in the night sky. The light from the moon spills into your room, casting a soft glow across everything in sight. You can see the craters and ridges on the surface of the moon, and it almost feels as if you could reach out and touch it.

Your room is small, but cozy. A bookshelf lines one wall, filled to the brim with novels and textbooks. Your desk is cluttered with notes and textbooks, and a small lamp illuminates the space around you. Your bed is neatly made, and a soft comforter is draped over it.

Despite the late hour, you continue to study.

Just as you start to feel a bit lonely, your phone lights up with a notification.

Minari 🐧
hi :)

You smile at the sight of her name on the screen and eagerly type out a response.

You smile at the sight of her name on the screen and eagerly type out a response

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Minari 🐧

hey :)

sorry, did i wake you?

nono you're fine. i'm studying
what brings you awake at this hour?

just can't sleep :(
and i felt like hanging out idk

well, you can hang out with me through text


You start texting back and forth, the conversation flowing easily between the two of you. You talk about your interests, your favorite music, even your mutual love for poetry and literature. Mina seems genuinely interested in getting to know you, and you can't help but feel drawn to her.

As you chat, you absentmindedly run your fingers over the pages of your textbook, flipping through the pages without really reading them.

how's our tamagotchi doing?

it's still alive and kicking
i fed it earlier, so it's happy <3

thank goodness
we don't want a hangry tamagotchi

it might start throwing little tantrums and demand fancy meals

and then it'll want to go out to fancy tamagotchi restaurants
we'll have to foot the bill :(

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