Chapter 5

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Vi was still in her enraged status. She turns to the rest of her enemies, who were charging toward her, arms in hand. She would have them all punched by the end of the day.

She started running to deliver the pain and broken bones they all seemed too eager to have. She saw some things flying. *Grenades!*

One exploded in her face.

Vi died.


She started running to deliver the pain and broken bones they all seemed too eager to have. She saw some things flying. *Grenades!*

One exploded in her face.

Vi died.


One exploded in her face.

Vi died.


Vi died.








-I'm not giving up!



-I won't give up!






-Come on!


Vi was still in her enraged status. She turns to the rest of her enemies, who were charging toward her, arms in hand. She would have them all punched by the end of the day.

She started running to deliver the pain and broken bones they all seemed too eager to have. She saw some things flying. *Grenades!*

Before any of them could go off, she was reached by a boy, dark-skinned and punk-like white hair. He hit the closest grenade with his blue bat, saving her.

He turns around to face the enforcer. -Hey, sellout!- he said with a smirk.


-Get up, Vi, we're not done yet.- the old friend from Vi's past showed up at the very last moment to save her, like a cliché in the movies Caitlyn liked so much.

Ekko pulled a string from a blue hourglass-shaped thing on his back and threw himself into the fight while Vi was still processing what had just happened, or maybe she just needed to catch her breath after fighting so many people, giving everything she had. Or maybe both.

Everyone around her was down, so she sat and watched her old friend defeat what remained of the enemies. He was moving as if he knew exactly what to do, where to go and what movements to make to fight in the most efficient way possible. And why was he pulling that string so many times?

Between Ekko and Zeri, the remaining goons were forced to retreat. Vi stood up and looked at the dozens and dozens of men who fell to her and then walked to reunite with her allies. She watched them talking as good friends, imagining that being both on a mission to make Zaun a better place of course they would end up being friends.

-So, the little man is little no more...

-Yeah, it has been like this for a while, now. You missed it.

-Things... escalated.- Vi needed to tell Ekko everything that happened after Silco's death and Jinx shot that rocket. When the time was right.

-Wait, you two know each other?

-Don't be "shocked", kid.- said Vi laughing at her own pun.

-Haha, because I'm electric, never heard that one before.- Zeri replied as if she was offended, but she was just playing along.

-Vi and I grew up together until shit started raining all over the place...

Ekko and Vi told Zeri what happened so many years back. Silco, Vander, Jinx...

-I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were telling the truth until that guy showed up! You really are from Zaun and you told me Silco was a bad guy all along! I feel so stupid...

-It's ok, I know that enforcers are unlikely to be trusted in Zaun.

-Why are you here, Vi?- interrupted Ekko suddenly. He did so immediately after pulling the string of that blu thing.

-Me? Well, I guess I owe you that much. So...


-Why are you here, Vi?- He had blood on his arm.

-Wait, where did you get those scratches? Are those claws wounds?!


-Why are you here? Hurry!

-Wait, where did you get those scratches? Are those claws wounds?!


-Why are you... oh, screw it. HEADS UP!

-W-What happens?!- Zeri jumped on the spot. Why was Ekko injured and on the edge?

Vi, on the contrary, turned immediately and got in her guarding position, checking the surroundings.

-We're being hunted. A big wolf.- said the boy.

Vi looked at him. *The wolf... could it be...?*

She didn't get distracted too long, getting back at looking in front of her, waiting for a wolf to attack them.

-What do you know about this wolf? It's kinda part of the reason I'm here, actually.

-I know nothing about it! I've never been hunted before!- Zeri was charging up her static electricity as both a way to get ready and a way to deal with that anxiety.

-I've heard stories about a wolf in Zaun, lurking in the shadows, hunting, killing for the taste of blood. I've been trying to find any clue about this... beast. I've finally found it.- Ekko's blood was dripping.

-You're seriously injured! When did you get these? I didn't see you getting hit by the goons!

-Good eye... they didn't...- the boy fell on his knees, panting. He was pale and felt tired due to blood loss.

-We need to get him out of here!- Zeri tried to get him standing by putting her head under his arm, but he was too heavy for her. -Vi! Help me!-

-You'll have to do this on your own, kid.

A howling, terrifying and menacing, echoed throughout the Sump.

-He's coming... gotta... go... back...- said Ekko while trying to reach the switch on his right glove only to fail and almost faint.

-Take him somewhere safe. I'll hold it off.

-I'm not leaving you!- Despite having an injured to take care of, Zeri was still willing to fight. -You're injured too! You need backup!-

Vi gave Zeri a look, smirked and replied: -I'm my own backup!-

-But... UGH!- Zeri gave up the debate and understood that arguing with her was useless, especially at that moment. She collected her strength and carried her friend away as fast as she could.

-It really is you, isn't it?- Vi's look was focused, still, her eyes would show the sadness her heart bore at that moment. An enormous canine figure came outfrom the shadows, ten metres from her. -Vander?-

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