Chapter 1

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Despite many years have passed, his last moments with her were always in her mind and in every punch she threw. He was there when she and her sister lost everything. The civil war between High and Low Piltover, when Zaun was yet to be born, scarred her for life. Who knows what would have happened, what she and her blue-haired sister would have done in order to survive if Vander hadn't taken care of them. Sure, they still had to steal, to do their part, but the 'no killing' and the 'only from those who could afford it' rules were always to be respected. These rules were important not just to avoid any unwanted attention directed to them, but they knew it was not right to survive at the expense of others. Vander avoided an even worse fate. Vander had avoided an even worse fate. Who knows how many people they would have had to hurt, or worse, in order to survive...

Now, the memories of Vander were even more insistent, after discovering one, unexpected info.

-Are you sure, Vi? What if it is false info from one of the Chem-Barons?

-No, I'm not sure and yes, I thought about it.- Vi was calibrating her gauntlets, to head to Zaun. Caitlyn had received her message and went to her to understand what her plan was, like she didn't know it already.

-Did you come to stop me?

-I'm here to show you my support. I know you better than anyone, there is no stopping you when you make up your mind, especially when it comes to him.- Cait moved closer to her colleague and dear friend, embracing her from behind. Vi let out a sigh of concern.

-Aren't you worried someone might see you vulnerable?

-No one's here.

-I need to go, Cait.

-I know. Just promise you'll be careful.

-Hey, it's me you're talking about.- Vi replied with her usual smirk.

-Yeah, that's why I'm concerned. What did Ekko say? That you still block with your face?- Vi laughed.

-Eh, as long as it works...- Caitlyn released Vi from her embrace reverting back to being the strict sheriff that Piltover knew and respected.

-I'm sure you'll come back in one piece. The enforcers need their mascot.

-Mascot?- Vi laughed again.

One more screw and the gauntlets were ready. Vi put them on, checked that everything was working properly and smashed a fist into the other. She was ready.

-Do you know where to start?

-I'll go to The Last Drop. They'll be thrilled to see me.- Vi headed towards the exit. The thought of finding his father, the man who made her what she was that day, alive, gave her a motivation she hadn't felt since she exited the prison to find her sister. Would the result be the same? Would she find Vander or would she find disappointment and sorrow?

-Good luck, Violet.

-See you soon, cupcake!

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