"that's wild omg! and who is your favourite? this is question 2 by the way" she chuckles.

"definitely wain, he's my twin and has stuck by me every chance he can get. he has so much patience for me yknow and supports me no matter what! he stayed in charleston with rylie but i flew back out to LA last summer and i just saw him again after not seeing him since new years" i smile as wain waves at me from the door.

"you and wain are my favourite twins! okay question 3!! who are your exs?"

"um i dated payton moormeier in 2019, 2020 i dated ryland storms, last year i dated bryce parker and now im dating jackson dean!" i answer nodding.

"is it strange that your dating your exs like bestfriend? is it not awkward ?" she asks tilting her head.

"absolutely not! me and bryce get along so well and he actually is the one who was like "jackson likes u so much" so it's not awkward at all" i nod.

"would you ever like if you and jackson broke up, who would you date next?" she asks.

"i don't think me and him will break up but! id try get myself with maya hawke" i smirk shaking my head "kidding she's way to old for me, but i love maya!" i smile.

"robin and emmaline for life" she nods "yesss!" i cheer.

"okay last question! would you rather leave hype house or be cancelled for life" she asks.

"be cancelled for life, hype house is my family. over the years Thomas and Mia have became literal parents to me! and i've brown so much while being apart of the house, it's a place where i can genuinely be myself and not be judged, well most of the time" i chuckle.

"bonus question because i'm curious, you and thomas have known each other since 2017 how is that?" she asks.

"um i was in LA and i was on a little midnight walk, it was my moms birthday and so i was quite upset so i went on a walk, i was at a park and thomas was there, we kinda just bonded exchanged socials then 2 years later we're having our weekly coffee meet up and he hits me with the "wanna join a content house"" i explain.

"thomas is definitely my biggest supporter, i don't art school for 3 years and i graduate in 3 days, he told me he's gonna make the biggest noise in the crowd so i'm, im looking forward to it!" i add on.

"i love it! okay um we've ran out of time so that sucks! but thank you for joining me on this call today!" she smiles.

"thank you for having me!byee !"i wave as she ends the call.

i yawn stretching before i log off jacob's pc, i head out and upstairs to me and jackson's shared room.

"you wanted to talk?" i ask as i join him on our shared bed. "um yeah, i've been thinking and.. i think we should take a break from us, for now" he says straight up.

"what like break up?" i ask, my eyes going glossy at the thought. "no! not break up like we'd stay together but there'd be some space between us yknow" he shrugs.

"no jackson i don't know, where's this coming from?" i ask sitting up. "we e been arguing a lot lately, we just need a breather i guess. i promise you've done nothing wrong!" he explains.

"if- if that's what you want then yeah okay" i shrug wiping my eyes. "cmere" he whispers pulling me into his chest.

i try hold it back but end up letting out a sob, before i fully break down crying "please know this isn't forever, i love you bel i promise" he whispers kissing my head.

i shake my head, pulling his arms off me before walking out. i end up back in jacob's room.

"j-jacob" i sob getting his attention. "what the hell happend!" he says rushing over to me as i stood by the door.

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