Chapter Five

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When the abolishment of slavery accord, indentured laborers were brought to Guyana from India, China, and Portugal were shipped in, bringing with them their native dishes. The country's first people, the Amerindians, also played a part in developing this unique cuisine. Together, this land of six races brings to the world food like no other nation on earth. Let me get into our cuisine and what makes us guyanese.


Pepperpot is the national dish of Guyana and celebrates the contribution of the nation's first people

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Pepperpot is the national dish of Guyana and celebrates the contribution of the nation's first people. It is a slow-cooked meat stew using beef, but some versions use mutton, pork or chicken. The meat is cooked with peppers, cinnamon, spices, and cassareep (a sauce made from cassava root/yucca) and a handful of other ingredients.

Soaking up the decadent stew with a piece of homemade bread is a great way to enjoy this dish, especially on Christmas morning. Well it's basically a Christmas tradition in most guyanese homes.

Cassava Bread

Cassava bread is a crispy-thin flatbread made from grated cassava dried to a powder

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Cassava bread is a crispy-thin flatbread made from grated cassava dried to a powder. The taste of cassava bread is like that of a rice cracker and it goes well with peanut butter or pieces of avocado as a fantastic snack. If you have a sweet tooth like I do, you can try it with chocolate spray. It also goes well with the pepper pot I mentioned above.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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