The Sacrifice ✔️

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Hope and Mercy decided that they wanted to try to talk to Kathrine to see what info, she was going to be able to give to them.

even though the two of them know that the vampire doppelgänger only tell the truth once every ten time. that someone questions her.

they ended up getting to the tomb before  the Salvtore brothers did so they do what they do best. they go in together and worked by themselves until Stefan and Damon came.

"Hello Kathrine,"both of the twins greet in unison, when the two of them enter the tomb.

Kathrine walks towards the twins as close as she could before being stopped by the forcefield that keeping her trapped in the tomb.

the vampire doppelgänger looked at the twins trying to figure out who the hell they were. not that she was able to since she has never meet the two girls before.

"sorry you might not know who we are," Hope started to say before cutting her self off

"but we know who you are and even if we tell you who were are," Mercy added on before cutting herself off

"you wouldn't believe us," both of the Mikealson tribrids tell the trapped doppelgänger in unison

witch kinda freaks the vampire doppelgänger out but she didn't say anything. she just counted to sit there and watched the two girls  


a little while later

Damon and Stefan arrive at the tomb but instead of the stone door being closed it was opened. witch made the two brother a bit nerves. since the two of them thought Kathrine had gotten out somehow.

that was until the two brother actually went into the tomb and sees the two girls that they had saved at the same time they saved Elena. from being kidnapped by the original vampire.

the two brother were very confused as to why Hope and Mercy were in the tomb with Kathrine. Damon being Damon started to assume that the two young girls were working for the vampire doppelgänger.

"you two are working for her aren't you," Damon accuse the two young Mikealson girls

"no we are not thank you very freaking much." "the two of us are just trying to get some information about why we were kidnaped thank you very much," Hope and Mercy speck in unison.

but the oldest Salvtore doesn't believe the two girls. the younger Salvtore however does believe the two teenagers. since the two girls seem to be a bit confused about everything that has been going on.

while the twins countie to act as if they have no idea of what has been going on in town.  

witch for some reason both of the Salvtore brother believed.

nither of the twin understand why Damon and Stefan believed the two of the, but they went with it.


sometime later

Elena convinces Rose to take her and the twins that she barley new to get information about why they were wanted.

even thought Hope and Mercy now exactly why there family need Elena. not that they asked them so the Mikealson twins just kept there mouth shut about it all.


                                                                    Slater's Residence

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