Katerina ✔️

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since Mercy had read Stefan Salvtore journals so many time. she know exactly what was supposed to happen and where most of the Scobey gang was going to be.

the twins had come to an agreement that they were going to follow Damon Salvtore since they new there uncle Elijah was going to be making an apprions.

so the two Mikealson ended up in some random coffee shop in bumfuck nowhere

the two sisters order some coffee and a cookie each. to wait for Damon and Rose. plus waiting for there least favorite uncle to appear

it didn't take long for the Salvtore vampire and short hair Alice Cullen looking vampire came in with him.

the two vampire were then approached by another random vamp that they had come hear to see.

Hope and Mercy set down close enough to the three vampire that they would be able to listen to them. but not close enough for them to recognize the twins.

the unknown vampire stared to talk to the Salvatore vampire and more or less gave him a whole spiel about how much he new about him

"Damon Salvatore. Turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova. So I take it I was right, what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?"

"Yes. It was right. Thank you for the tip."

"creep much," the Mikealson twins question together in unison.

witch makes the two of them laugh at each other

the twins tune back into the Salvtore conversaion

the three younger vampires stared talking about the not so dead original vampire. who they thought was dead.

"And you're sure Elijah's dead?"

"Beyond dead."

"Trevor was a good man; he helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance in the Baroque period. I was schooling for my Psych PhD."

the twins rolls there eyes thinking about how freaking boring there conversation is.

they tune out the conversaion until they hear them talking about the sun and moon cures.

Mercy was looking out the windows when she sees a familiar looking man walking by the coffee shop, she nudges Hopes arm and point out the window to where there uncle is.

the two girls were still listening to the three younger vampire while watching what Elijah was doing

"Here's what I don't get, Elijah moved around during the day, which means the originals knew the secret of the day ring." "Now why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon?"

"To keep the werewolves from lifting it." "If a vampire breaks the sun curse then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa."

"But werewolves are extinct."

both of the Mikealson girls snot when the Alice Cullen look a like vampire said that. because they both now werewolf are far from being extinct.

"True. I've never seen one but rumor has it..."

"Not such a rumor."

"Mystic Falls? God, I've got to visit this place. It sounds awesome."

Elijah is still in front of the coffee shop. He's listening to them. but he also notices the two girls who look a lot like his brother watching him

while the Mikealson tribrids are watching there lest favorite uncle, while also listening to the Salvatore and Co's conversations.

before there uncle is able to do what he's planning on doing the twins drop to the floor for cover at the perfect time 

Elijah is still listening to them. He throws the coins at the window. All the windows break. Slater and Rose's skin starts burning. Rose is screaming. Damon looks outside but Elijah is gone. Slater runs. Rose's face is burned. Damon puts a jacket on Rose's face and helps her get out the back of the coffee shop. The other customers are also rushing out the back door into the parking lot. He carries her to the car and puts her in the back of the car.

Damon may not have been able to find Elijah but that doesn't mean the twins didn't, because they did


as soon as the twins could they tracked down there uncle, so that he knows that if he does what he planning on doing to there dad. well he's going to fuck a hell of a lot up. Even if they don't trust him, they know that he should now exactly what he would be doing if he does indeed kill his younger brother.

Hope and Mercy found Elijah waiting for the two of them at a conner street not to far away from were the caffe that he just blow up was.

Elijah looked at the two girls with shoke written all over his face for seeing them up close for the second time.

"are you going to countie to stare at us or are you going to ask the question we all know you want to ask."

so that exactly what he did. he ask everything and any question that he could think of.

witch the twins answer most of them but not all of them


thank you for reading

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