000 prologue.

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Felix knows one thing for sure: his life was messed up, big time.

Even if he owned the succsessful brewery XuYu and had a house too large for one person in Siciliy, he knew his life was a mess.

Maybe it started when he was a child, the moments he could barely remember. The moments where he still had his long hair and went by Yulong. When he wasn't scared of everything. When he was a little kid braver than his little sister and older brother combined.

Or maybe it all started when all those scary men showed up at his childhood home.

He was watching his mother and Shang-Chi practice Tai-Chi when he saw them enter. He pulled Xialing behind him rushing them over to the duo. Grabbing onto his older brothers hand he stood beside him head held high. He tuned out the scary men and their words, focusing on his little sisters fists gripping his shirt. Feeling a hand on his hair he looks up to the loving eyes of his mother.

"进去。 我要和我们的客人交谈。"

He should've listened. He should've listened like Xialing did. He really should've. But his stupid kid brain was too brave and he stayed. He stayed and he heard his mother tell them they had nothing to worry. That they had nothing to fear.

Yulong believed her. He believed her until he was definitely scared. He could see the blood coming from his mothers head and how her movements got slower. He was scared for his mothers life. So without thinking he ran out, ignoring the desperate cries of his little sister and the grabbing arms of his older brother.

Pushing his way through the limbs of the scary men he got to the front. To the man with a knife about to strike his mother. In a burst of sudden strength he ran straight into his legs, making knife man stumble and Yulong to fall on his back with his hands out to protect him. The butt of his palms were scrapped.

The rest was a blur. Somebody was screaming, was it his mother? Maybe it was him. All he remembers is that the man came straight at him, knife up ready to attack. Pushing himself up to run, he's reminded of the scrapped palms and slows down. Fatal mistake. Knife man slashes down, and a flashing pain erupts on the left side of his face. Something drips down his face. It was probably his tears. If only he knew it wasn't the clear liquid but rather something deep red.

His arm is grabbed and he's pulled up from the ground, how did he get there? He can't focus on his surroundings. The only thing he can focus on is that he's moving his legs. That his older brother is pushing him down in a chair. That his little sister is sobbing her eyes out on the bed. He feels something wet touch his face and he pulls away in pain, hissing. He tried to leave again to help his mother. This time his brother beat him to the door before he did, stopping him. Grabbing him by the arm to keep him from running out.

And so they watched. As they watched Yulong tried to pull away. He called out to them to stop. He begged and pleaded. He used the words he heard his dad say but was told never to say. They didn't listen.

The two brothers watched as the men beat her to death.

They watched as they left, laughing and yelling out to the world. "我们杀死了徐温武的妻子! 我们杀了她,他无法阻止我们!"

And as they left he came. His father came home. He came home to his oldest crying over his lovers corpse. To his youngest sobbing on the bed. And his middle with a long gash, starting on his left eyebrow down to his lip, bleeding.

Maybe that's where everything went wrong. When his father changed for the worst. When his brother was traumatized for the rest of his life. When his sister looked up to him to look after her.

Just maybe.

"Every time I've tried to drive a bus, I get yelled at"

"Every time I've tried to drive a bus, I get yelled at"

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a/n: i'm so sorry for not updating for so long. i just had my finals and i'm super happy with my results. so with my main worries out of the way i managed to finish this chapter. hope you enjoy. and i promise the next update won't take as long! xoxo workingappled 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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