Let The Right One In ✔️

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Damon is fixing a clock. Stefan is leaving to go hunt.

"Hunting party?"

"That guy did a number on me last night when he stabbed me." "I gotta get my strength back up."

"I've got two liters of soccer mom in the fridge." "No?"

"We'll talk when I get back?"

"All right. Give my regards to the squirrels," Damon joked.



Stefan is out hunting. He turns around and there are vampires surrounding him. Frederick stabs him with a wooden stake.



Gilbert Residence

Elena's phone is ringing. She notices it's Damon and ignores it. She hears a knock on the door and answers it. Damon enters.

"You're ignoring me."

"Which's is your own fault, DayDay," the young Summers tells the dark haired Salvatore vampire

the Salvatore vampire rolled his eyes at his friend

"The 6 missed calls?" "Sorry." "My phone is dead." Elena lied

"Is Stefan here?" Damon questioned concerned

"No. Why? Something wrong?"

"Why Damon, what happened," the ex Slayer questions

"He went out in the woods and didn't come back." "I can't get him on his phone." "I figured he was here with the two of you.

"It's going straight to voice-mail. Where could he be?" Elena tells the slayer and vampire

"You're not going to like what I'm thinking," Damon says out loud. 

"No I have no Idea what your thinking," the strawberry blonde sarcastically replies. Since she already has a feeling that the tomb vampire have something to do with Stefan being missing.

which makes the older Salvtore roll his eyes at the strawberry blonde.



Elena is sitting in Damon's car with her younger cousin. She sees him approaching and gets out.

"What happened? Where is he?"

"They have him. I can't get in."

"Why not?"

"Oh don't tell its because they have a human who they have compelled not to let you in right?," the young summer woman questions

Damon just glare at her.

"Because the woman who owns the house is compelled to not let me in," Damon mumbles.

when the rebel slayer heard this she started fake laughing.

"I can get in."

"You're not going in there." Damon denies.

"Funny Lena your not stepping foot into that house not on my watch," Lydia declared

"I'm going!" Elena fires back

"You're not going in there," Damon told her

"No your not Elena," Lyds deadpanned

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