The King of Omashu

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"You guys are gonna love Omashu," Aang says. "The people here are the friendliest in the world!"

Polu nods. "They're incredibly hospitable and understanding people."

The pair are corrected by a group of guards in front of them. Polu frowns as they tower over a cabbage merchant.

"What kind of slum do you think this is?" The head guard bends the earth under the cart and launches it into the canyon below.

"My cabbages!"

Aang smiles nervously and hisses to his friends. "Just keep smiling."

Polu tenses as the soldier lifts a boulder above Aang's head.

"State your business!"

I didn't want to use it this soon, but if this man hurts Aang-

Aang walks forward and points at the soldier, a grumpy tone edging into his voice. "My business is my business, young man, and none of yours!"

The boulder drops to the ground, causing the Water Tribe siblings to jump back.

"I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside."

Polu drags a hand down his face. This cannot be happening.

The soldier raises a hand. "Settle down, old timer. Just tell me who you are."

The 112-year-old relaxes. "Name's Bonzoo Pippenpadlopsicopolis the Third." He points to the teens behind him, a smirk growing on his face. "These are my grandchildren, and my grandson's fiancé."

Polu and Sokka's faces heat up as they stare daggers at the airbender. Just what is he trying to do?

Katara steps forward as she hides the growing smirk on her own face. "Hi. June Pippenpadlopsicopolis. Nice to meet you."

The guard strokes his beard. "You seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu."

"We will," Katara smiles.

The group begins to walk toward the opening walls of the city.

"Wait a minute!"

The teens halt. Polu feels a hand come to rest on his shoulder and he tenses.

"You're a strong young boy."

Polu is turned around to face the lead guard.

"Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag."

But Sokka is his 'grandson'.

"Good idea!"

Aang tosses the bag to Polu, who spins to glare at his friend. His hostile expression drops as he stares in wonder at the opening gates.

I've missed this place.

The group glances around the city in pure awe. Packages slide down postal chutes, people go about their day, and guards patrol the city.

It's nice to be back.

"This is the Omashu delivery system- miles and miles of tubes and chutes."

Polu smiles proudly as he points to a transfer area near them. "Earthbending brings the packages up, and gravity brings them down."

Sokka frowns. "Great, so they get their mail on time."

"They do get their mail on time." Aang smiles devilishly at his best friend. "But my friend Bumi found a better use for these chutes."


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