And truck-kun started moving and next moment,I woke up in a warm bed,I looked a bit around and i was in a single room apartment.

I walked upto mirror and see my face and i had white hairs and six eyes"Shit..I have to hide my pretty eyes now"

Fuck...I should have asked boss to do something about six eyes.

I can literally see through the closet and even door,Hell even clothes.

So I have X-ray eyes.

If issei found out,He will surely try to take my eyes.

Yeah i am certain he will try this.

Same can be said for azazel and shitty Odin geezer.

Anyway,I recived a letter from boss.

~Hello,Roronoa-kun,Its me Boss-kun,I have already enrolled you in kuoh acedemy and made up story for your background and Make sure to do what i said.

1-Be a total badass

2-Make sure beat the shit out of boob lover

3-Humilate red monkeys

First of all i am not zoro.

Nor i am his relative,I mean i know i have a bit bad sense of direction

I usually don't get lost.

What do you mean that i went to fate and naruto verse before i came here.

It wasn't my fault,Me and Truck-kun,we lost.

It wasn't my fault.

And My name is Kazuto Hitatori.

Yup thats my name,Just my seniors call me Roronoa-kun.

First of all,Many people do not know about the abilties i have,I will explain them to you

First is Infinity

Infinity is the base state of the Limitless and is essentially the power to stop.

The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics.

The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user.

This is because the technique takes the finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times

In mathematics, no matter how many times someone divides a number it will never be reduced to zero.

Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye.

The Limitless brings this concept into reality, so anything that attempts to penetrate this infinitely divided space will slow down to the point of appearing to stop completely.

The invisible barrier created by the Infinity can be expanded to keep harmful substances away from the user, or to overpower someone attempting to neutralize their technique.

The Infinity can only be deactivated by the user, or countered by Domain Expansion or Domain Amplification

Only 20 finger sukuna can actually counter infinity and He do not exist in dxd,So its a Broken ability.

Next ability is Reversal Red

Red is the Cursed Technique Reversal of the Limitless, which reverses the effect of the strengthened technique and brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel.

Reborn in DxD with Limitless Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang